When I was about 10 me and my friend wanted to make some money during the summer. We were still too young to drag a lawn mower around the neighborhood by ourselves and we couldn’t think of any other marketable skills we had so we decided to create a lemonade stand. The thing is we didn’t have lemons so we figured one of our parents would have lemonade mix powder. We looked through his pantry and found a container that looked like lemonade and had pictures of lemons all over it so we took a measuring cup and dumped a scoop of it in a pitcher. We setup business in his front yard and sold probably 5 glasses to adults that were walking by.

I was thinking about it recently and how we used his dad’s “special lemonade” and just realized it was a pre-workout container and instead of using a table spoon’s worth per 250ML we were using an entire cup. Even though we used a pitcher that must have been at least double the recommended amount.

We never really drank much of it because it tasted a bit off but I can only imagine the surprise people had when they suddenly felt a rush of energy.

Kind of unrelated to fitness but I thought it was a bit of a funny story of me being a dumb kid and wanted to share it. I only recently started using it the last couple years.

I can delete this if it doesn’t fit the theme of the community.