My name is not Luigi. Other facts about me:
- I like TTRPGs, but only the good ones
- I dislike Capitalism very much
- My favorite movie is The Princess Diaries
- I have between 0 and 16 children
- I’m not very cis. Not very cis at all
- I’m probably autistic but diagnosis is a fuck
- My ADHD was once described by a neuropsych as “particularly aggressive”
My ADHD was once described by a neuropsych as “particularly aggressive”
Reminds me of the time my balls were described by a doctor as “grossly unremarkable”
Getting owned by medical professionalstaking this as a doctor passive-agressively seething at your perfect balls
Massively normal balls
“grossly unremarkable”
Broooo why did they say it like that lmao.
They could have just said “typical” or “expected” lmao they knew what they were doing.
Those balls are grossly … uh … unremarkable, yeah, uh, massively grossly unremarkable. I will cease remarking on them. Good day.
They were throwing shade on your sack, amazing.
That is a hilarious thing to say about someone’s balls but also wtf doctor
not Luigi
Sounds like something a Luigi would say
That’s me on the right
Good opsec
it should be mandatory to lionize this user
I will humbly accept this responsibility
Hmmm…That one seems sus. Have you ever shot a CEO?
What are you a cop?
No, no, no! I’m not an evil cop. I’m just a McDonald’s employee, you see. I’m part of the proletariat, just like you.
Oh in that case I’ll have a chicken McGriddles
No problem. Just take a seat. It’s gonna be ready in about 15 mins, maybe 20 if the co… I mean my fellow workers are a bit busy.
Hi and welcome, NotLuigi!!
My favorite movie is The Princess Diaries
So one of the weirdest dreams I’ve ever had involved me being at this pretty normal non-fancy house where everyone was prepping for Anne Hathaway coming over for dinner. For some reason my feet just fell off. Like, no blood or anything, they just disconnected. I felt super embarrassed about it so I taped them back on with scotch tape the best I could and was super worried they would fall off again in front of Anne Hathaway which would have been even more embarrassing.
Anyways, glad to have you here and let us know if you have any questions!
Honestly if Anne Hathaway was coming over to my house my feet probably fall off too so that’s fair.
And I’ve been lurking for a bit here so hopefully everything should be comfy pretty quickly
I like TTRPGs, but only the good ones
Oh, like 5e?
DnD 3.5e surely
I’m almost certain they mean Werewolf the Forsaken 2nd Edition.
Welcome to Hexbear! It’s kinda like that cool foot clan hangout from the first ninja turtles movie except instead of master splinter it’s capitalism.
Aggressive ADHD buddies let’s gooooo!
It’s not Luigi time! Oh ye!
Without my meds I just lose executive functioning and melt into the couch like those old anti-drug commercials except me it’s when I’m not on drugs wooooooo
I can’t afford to medicate mine! Hooray! Melts
A combination of nicotine and caffeine kind of make life manageable
I took my meds too late in the day and now I can’t sleep
Welcome welcome
Welcome comrade!
Hi hii!
Hello and welcome!