So, I bought a nice Zotac ZBOX with 2TB local storage and 16 GB memory. Installed Debian with k3s and partitioned the disc to have a ZFS pool for the containers. I’ve set up the ZFS provisioner.

I’m migrating away from an RPi4 with 4GB of memory and docker-compose

I run out of memory and have my pods evicted while not having all my things migrated. Okay, I’ve got two new things: ArgoCD and Navidrome. But what the heck?

Now I’ve updated k3s according to the manual (just download the binary and restart). It wouldn’t start. Ran the installer instead. During boot-up, two of my ZFS volumes got deleted by the provisioner. F*ck. Luckily no important data on there, just extra work to redo the migration. That’s the second time the provisioner kissed a volume goodbye. The first time, I was to blame because I messed up a commit in my ArgoCD repo. Data was faster gone than I could say bye-bye.

I work with Kubernetes daily. K3s seemed a logical choice for managing a more significant environment. I looked into Proxmox, but docker containers are not supported.

I spent every free minute for the past 14 days migrating, but I have my doubts about the correct path. Eventually, I need a stable system.

ZFS was supposed to save me from some of those stupid mistakes. I run Btrfs so far, and snapshots are a lifesaver. Can’t wrap my head around them in ZFS. Unfortunately, is the Btrfs provisioner not very widespread/stable.

Any advice or encouragement?

PS: Velero is still on the todo list… :(

  • JzJad12@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Set the max ark size to something like 2GB if that’s what’s eating the RAM

    • phein4242@alien.topB
      1 year ago

      This. You need to tune the zfs memory, esp if the box is shared with other applications.