Get a real job says interchangable blonde who wears red dresses that has been on fox since it’s inception.
She had blonde dye #2 and hairstyle #4.
Ah, the Fox Business brain trust peddles its economic logic—golden parachutes for public servants framed as fiscal savviness. “Get a real job” drips with the private sector’s trademark disdain for anyone not chasing quarterly bonuses. Federal work—infrastructure, disaster response, public health—reduced to a punchline in their profit-worshiping catechism.
The arithmetic is perfect: swap lifelong stability for a one-time payout and genuflect before the gig economy’s algorithmic altar. Feast on capitalism’s crumbs before the vultures pick the bones clean. When has short-termism ever collapsed industries or gutted pensions? The real crisis? A world where civil service is mocked while hedge fund carnage gets tax breaks.
“Get a real job” says person to audience who view her as a walking uterus
Fox host wouldn’t know a real job if it konked them out
Their job is discussing federal workers, who they claim don’t have real jobs lmao
The irony that a News Anchor is telling Federal Workers to get a “real job” when she could get one herself
A Fox anchor at that. Like, you literally have a job because you’re a blonde moron. Take a seat babe.
Are you saying she’s a DEI?
I’m a federal employee and have been for 25 years.
Some years back my parents were visiting from Florida and asked to borrow a car (I had two), and I said sure. Then, later, I said something about how busy work had been, and my father starts laughing at how funny that is - and calls my older brother - so they can share a laugh about me “working hard”. Both lifelong Republicans, I will note.
I was like, hey, did you want to borrow the car that my hard work paid for, or not?
When I called them out on it, they said I was absolutely correct and apologized.
I hope someone punches her in the mouth.
Bold card for someone who puts on makeup and reads a teleprompter for 3 hours a week.
Bold to think they can read, and aren’t just ad-libbing whatever wet fart of a thought enters their head.
Funny how they’ll say this to federal workers, but they won’t say shit to the military who are living the socialist dream.
Yeah, and if you ever ask a vet what they did, unless they’d been to literal war, they’re going to tell you that they were basically just put in charge of stocking a broom closet and were bored 95% of the time.
Edit: just want to add that I do respect the military, and if anyone wants to tell me why I’m wrong, I’d love to hear lol
One of my call center buddies was in charge of receiving requests for freight transport and asking his NCO to approve them. His NCO say directly behind him. So he’d stare at a computer screen until a request came in, turn around, ask for approval which would be framed, then turn back around and click the approve button.
My mom was a mechanic in the army and never got deployed. For her mandatory four years, she just fixed trucks in the day and got wasted with other mechanics at night. She says it was a job, not actual service. She doesn’t consider herself a veteran because she didn’t do jack shit.
It’s okay, you’re allowed to not respect the military if you want.
Truth. Lol
They won’t say shit to the military yet.
Right back at you.
Huffing Donald Trump’s farts isn’t a “job.”
And many of the people I’ve talked to among different agencies are taking this offer. Those that were sort of close to retirement, for example December and the like.
So wait, is this dumb bitch expecting us to believe these people are forgoing their entire retirement for a few months pay? Or does she expect us to believe that retiring them a few months early and saving one or two months pay (basically fucking pennies) is saving significant government money? I genuinely don’t know what else she could mean.
I guess that’s what they do though. Throw out useless anecdotes, say it’s a good thing, and let the user generate feelings based off it while having no idea what it actually means.
Right, these are likely people with fully vested pensions basically taking terminal leave above and beyond their accumulated leave. Most feds can accumulate 240 hours of leave to be cashed out on retirement. Trump basically offered people nearing retirement the opportunity to cash out 1280 hours. Much efficiency. Very cost savings.
This. And there is no way Trump will keep any “deal” that costs him money. He has literally built his business around stiffing contractors. No one should trust him or expect him to keep his word.
It’s not his money though, it’s ours
The lowest paid federal worker is still more important than any Fox shill
Why would a worker that is paid less be less important?
Typically because it’d be a job that doesn’t have many skill or education/knowledge requirements compared to higher-paying jobs
Does hosting a fake news show qualify as a real job?
Unfortunately. And it’s more unfortunate that so many people believe it.
Nah she just larping as a journalist
In Soviet Russia we just call that a propaganda officer.
Same shit in the US to anyone that has two brain cells to rub together.
Got a sharpie, a map and large boobs? You could be a famous weatherman! Al Rocker has large boobs and a sharpie and a map. I rest my case.
Right back at ya bitch