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“It does suck, because everybody kind of makes fun of the Cybertruck. To the outside person, it’s kind of weird, it’s ugly, whatever. Once you actually get in it, drive it, you realize it’s pretty frickin’ cool,” he says. “It’s kind of been sad, because I’ve been trying to prove to people that it’s a really awesome truck that’s not falling apart, and then mine starts to fall apart, so it’s just… Yeah, it’s kind of unfortunate and sad.”
One Thinks He Knows Why
Hang, I know this one.
It’s because it’s a fucking pile of shit.
So very well put. Thank you.
The trim piece may not be the only part of the truck that is effectively secured only with adhesive: Tomasko says he believes other components, including the truck’s quarter panels, also seem to be held on this way,
Ah yes, the “stainless steel exo skeleton”… it’s just glued on, after all
And the fucking bumpers. Two bolts and a shitload of glue.
Purely a marketing issue. Instead of “trim pieces falling off at speed”, call it the Cyclist Beheader™.
Show those Wokeys who’s boss!
Looks like a boat, breaks like a boat…
There’s a saying that the second happiest day of all boat owners is the day they get rid of that expensive piece of junk.
but no one is stupid enough to buy these ones lmao.
US goverment is buying 400 :)
Bust Out Another Thousand.
This is why you don’t preorder games
Best comment 2025. 😂
This is not a game. It’s a joke sir.
Clearly they’re shedding their coccoliths in order to increase their buoyancy and stay in the euphotic zone.