In the long run, the only viable solution is proportional representation: [email protected]
The oligarchs won’t benefit from a fairer voting system and until they will benefit from one i doubt we will see meaningful change. We’ve had leader in office for a decade who promised electoral reform and 0 progress has been made towards that promise.
Others have recomended a political party form strictly to win, implement electoral reform, then break up and call an election. That may be our best chance as current status quo parties obviously don’t care.
- At the very least, we must only vote for candidates that support proportional representation. Only the Greens/NDP consistently do that.
- We need to keep growing the [email protected] movement. We do have evidence that the political establishment is catering to the fair vote movement, we just need to keep that up.
For anyone who has more knowledge of politics, is there a big difference between the liberal and NDP parties? I wonder why they don’t merge?
The Liberals are closer to the Conservatives than they are to the NDP.
For example, Greens/NDP consistently support proportional representation. Liberals and Conservatives play games to delay and distract.
And because that would be a disaster for Canadian democracy: Watching Canada’s decline into a Two-Party System: an r/Ontario post with +1.7k upvotes “Is it time for a Liberal-NDP merger after Doug Ford’s Tories win third straight majority in Ontario election?”.
With Duverger’s Law (i.e., in non-PR electoral systems, a trend towards a two-parties), we are running out of time to act. Canada’s 2021 effective number of parties is 2.76 - this number will decrease over time, and will eventually end Canadian democracy as we know it today.
The only way to prevent this democratic backsliding is proportional representation: [email protected]