one of the sponsors was arrested for soliciting a minor today
I seem to clearly remember a story from the Bible about this, but perhaps they’ve simply skipped that part during their reading?
Guys, just steal this and use it to describe deranged Trump idiots. The right wing steals useful words like “fake news” and “groomer” and alters their meanings for political purposes all of the time. This one should be a layup because without reading into it everyone already thinks it’s the condition those everyday July 4th cosplay, big truck with tattered flags morons have.
Funny thing is that’s how I read it…
Canada and Mexico REALLY need to seal our borders…
The problems in both countries have always been the US
I love how far I had to read before it was clear that it’s not what Trump has; it’s what people who disagree with him apparently have.
Diseases are often named after their victims…
Also, and this is buried in everything he is doing, but how arrogant do you have to be to assume that every person disagrees with him just because he’s Donald Trump, and not because there are valid concerns?
its not about arrogance.
its about manufacturing cause to lock up and dispose of dissenting voices.
Fair, but I’m sure he’s arrogant enough to believe it, too.
Yeah, but arrogance just one layer of the shit onion of fascism we are currently being force fed.
I agree. It should be “Trump’s Derangement Syndrome” law, either as impeachment or as A25 issue.
Russian stooge uses Russian method of oppression by abusing the mental health care system.
The smug childishness of a grade school bully who got you in trouble after you lost your shit and finally punched back. These assclowns are infuriating.
Unless real doctors accept this as a real illness, it’s just politicians jerking off.
It allows them to send people who don’t like Trump to mental asylums
This is potentially a legal rather than a medical diagnosis, and if the legal system is sufficiently corrupted, it doesn’t matter what doctors think.
Also, in previous instances (Bush-era torture, for example), the medical and psychological professions just went along. Nover underestimate the venality and spinelessness of professional organizations.
Conservatives are wild. I don’t know if they intentionally do it but their behavior is absurd. Obsessed with Obama’s birth certificate, LeTs Go BrAnDoN, and even super whacky shit like QAnon and trying to prove Michelle Obama is a man. They hate “mainstream media” yet Fox News is one of the biggest networks. They’re all about merit yet discount anything AOC says, who’s smart and studied, because she bartended. And now they want to turn the tables, claim they are and have always been normal, and it’s people who disapprove of Trump who are deranged. It makes no sense.
They’re just mindless, is all. Formless, pliable.
All of that? That’s the point. That’s exactly how they want us to feel: confused, hurt, isolated. They will gladly say something incredibly hypocritical and then just smile a shit-eating grin when you call them out, because we both know there’s nothing that can be done short of violence and that’s when they’ve “won.”
But in all honesty, violence actually is an answer, and a proper one to bullshit like this. I don’t give a fuck if you could call it assault if someone is literally taunting and threatening me when I haul off and beat their ass.
Do it. Make them scared of violent revolution and reprisals.
TDS is definitely a real thing, but allowing the government to detain people for it is insane.
Disgust at corruption and criminality is not a syndrome, it’s a sign of mental health.
If you only care when Trump does it, it’s Trump derangement syndrome. Biden pushed forward with many of Trump’s worst policies, and Democrats didn’t have shit to say about it then.
Oh, you’re a “both sides are the same” person.
Yes, I’m the kind of person who believes empirical data.
You talk as if trump is “normal”, ignoring the kinds of things he says, how he says them, who he says them to, his tantrums in all caps on social media, his lack of poise, professionalism, and diplomacy. The guy is abrasive as fuck. You must have bad memory.
Exactly. Neoliberals do not oppose Trump policies, but his lack of decorum. Which is why they had no problem with Obama and Biden quietly progressing fascism. They don’t like that he says the quiet part out loud, and gives away the game.
Who mentioned neoliberals?
I’m applying the appropriate label to your neoliberal principles that you have openly espoused here.
You’re clearly confused
The Democrats didn’t but the base was sure pissed about it. That party is constantly under fire from its own base because of how much they rely on being the only option that isn’t full-blown insane-o fascism. The country at its core is broken and in a way that constantly reinforces itself. I do not envy the people who have to put the work in to fix it.
The Democrats are also full-blown insano fascist. It’s the same party pretending to be two. That’s why they’re both backing this genocide. That’s why the Democrats always manage to produce enough votes to help the GOP secure their votes. It’s why the Democrats sue anyone farther left off the ballots.
For sure, but the country has no other options. It’s like asking someone if they would prefer to be punched or stabbed and then claiming they enjoy the punching. You didn’t have “get a hug” as an option so stop acting like it’s there.
So you want to fix things by electing the people who broke them in the first place. Genius.
If two people are trying to kill you, you don’t pick which one to ally with. You defend yourself against both of your enemies.
That’s not what I said, but ai don’t know if what I say really matters to you more than acting smug does. Also, I live in a country with more than two parties and I do not participate in “strategic voting”.
You are smoking crack.
Totally not a cult.
Everyone who isn’t with us is against us, but yeah not a cult
As a therapist, I won’t recognize it. Fuck that.
When I first heard of TDS I thought it was about his deranged stans and I thought that made sense.
Then I was told it was about all the people who lost their minds because of his election and defined themselves purely oppositionally to him, and I thought that made sense.
Then I observed that it’s really just used as a slur against anyone who doesn’t like him or his policies, and that makes sense too because that’s the ultimate death of every social critique that ends up promulgated by conservatives.
It’s always projection with those assholes.
So trumps followers have Trump derangement syndrome. Makes sense.
5+ years back Trumpettes threw around the label TDS at Trump detractors, saying they couldn’t see reality due to their rage…
Whatever you call it, however you see it, there is significant mass psychosis associated with our nutcase-in-chief.
Fear of chaos and loss of civil rights? That sounds entirely rational based on what the Trump administration is up to.
These are the same morons that have Biden Derangement Syndrome.