Something something, paper tiger, Mao was right.

    1 year ago

    Very nice to see Michael Hudson linked. His content on multipolarista and the new Geopolitical Economy Report. Very critical data and needs to be disseminated

    1 year ago

    The story of Croesus have also interesting ending - he apparently came to accept his defeat (which i dearly hope USA will too instead of nuking us all) and spend rest of his long life at the court of Cyrus, being something between closely watched trophy and valued advisor.

  • mo_ztt ✅
    1 year ago

    Having organized a coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014, the United States sent its NATO proxy army eastward, giving weapons to Ukraine to fight an ethnic war against its Russian-speaking population and turn Russia’s Crimean naval base into a NATO fortress. This Croesus-level ambition aimed at drawing Russia into combat and depleting its ability to defend itself, wrecking its economy in the process and destroying its ability to provide military support to China and other countries targeted for seeking self-dependency as an alternative to U.S. hegemony.

    After eight years of provocation, a new military attack on Russian-speaking Ukrainians was conspicuously prepared, ready to drive toward the Russian border in February 2022. Russia protected its fellow Russian-speakers from further ethnic violence by mounting its own Special Military Operation.

    Do y’all genuinely believe this?

      1 year ago

      I mean it’s literally what happened. It implies a bit of a rosy anthromorphization of the many varied and impersonal security interests that lead a nation-state to war, sure, but factually speaking, that’s how it went down.

      • mo_ztt ✅
        1 year ago

        So, help me understand what literally happened.

        Having organized a coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014

        This one has some actual credibility to it; although I don’t agree with the summary it at least seems plausible. Can you send me some arguments I can read for why it was more a coup d’état than a legitimate revolution? What percentage of Ukrainians, as a ballpark, would you estimate supported Yanukovych’s removal?

        the United States sent its NATO proxy army eastward

        How many Ukrainian troops are literally on the eastern side of the border vs. Russian troops on the western side of the border?

        giving weapons to Ukraine to fight an ethnic war against its Russian-speaking population

        Around how many literal casualties were there in this war? How many Russian-speaking Ukrainians killed or wounded by NATO weapons (pre-Russian-invasion, if you’re going to argue that the Russian’s special operation was in defense of Ukrainians)?

        turn Russia’s Crimean naval base into a NATO fortress

        Can you tell me more about the planned fortress? Where is the base or bases planned to be built, and where can I read more about the timelines or other plans?

        This Croesus-level ambition aimed at drawing Russia into combat

        What statements or actions by US or NATO members can you point to that attempted to “draw” Russia into attacking Ukraine?

        depleting its ability to defend itself, wrecking its economy in the process and destroying its ability to provide military support to China and other countries targeted for seeking self-dependency as an alternative to U.S. hegemony.

        I’d agree with this part, yes. I’m still lost as to why it’s the US’s fault that it happened.

        After eight years of provocation, a new military attack on Russian-speaking Ukrainians was conspicuously prepared, ready to drive toward the Russian border in February 2022.

        Can you elaborate on the provocation? Did Ukraine, for example, annex any territory from the Russian Federation, or bomb apartment buildings or hospitals on the Russian side of the border? If they had done either of those things, what would you say a reasonable response from Russia would have been?

        Russia protected its fellow Russian-speakers from further ethnic violence by mounting its own Special Military Operation.

        How many people injured in this ethnic violence? What was the aim of the special military operation – removing Zelensky from power? Disarming the Ukrainian military? Annexing Ukrainian territory? I’m still trying to get a sense of what is your assertion of what the goals and motives were on the Russian side.

          1 year ago

          I’m about to head out of town for a while, so I don’t really have time right now to talk about all your questions. But here’s a quick overview. It’s is a fairly old article from just before the war, but I thought it was a pretty good overview of how we got here. There’s a great deal of citations, and I suggest you fact check them for yourself.

          • mo_ztt ✅
            1 year ago

            This is fascinating. Thank you for sending me this. It doesn’t change most of the attitudes and conclusions I’ve been stating in this thread; I would point to two excerpts from this article as reasons why:

            It’s an overstatement to say, as some critics have charged, that Washington orchestrated the Maidan uprising. But there’s no doubt US officials backed and exploited it for their own ends.

            Meanwhile, Ukraine’s been embroiled in a mini–civil war since Maidan. After Putin moved to secure the Crimean naval base from NATO control, using the Russian military presence and a dubious referendum to illegally annex the majority-Russian region shortly after Yanukovych’s exit, pro-Russian separatists began mobilizing in the country’s east, first into protest, then into armed groups. After the interim government sent armed forces to put down the rebellion, Moscow sent its own troops in, and the entire region has been a deadly powder keg ever since.

            Both of these seem like very accurate and evenhanded summaries to me. Things that have been said to me elsewhere in this thread – that Yanukovych’s removal was a Western coup, and that Ukraine’s relationship with ethnic Russians in the east could be described as “pogroms” – seem very inaccurate to me, and I would actually point to this article’s summary of those situations as a pretty good description of what the honest truth is.

            If you’re sending me this to poke a hole in the “Ukraine good, Russia bad, protestors good, Yanukovych bad” narrative, then I support you in that endeavor. The real actual facts are important whether or not they support your or my ideology. I’m guessing that I’m getting such a high ratio of downvotes to responding messages because people assume I’m some kind of anti-Communist stooge… I assure you I am not an anti-left or universally-pro-US-government person.

            It is super weird to me to see people who oppose the very real violence and imperialism that the US government engages in, who at the same time support violence and imperialism from Russia or China. From me in my point of view, as a person who’s generally leftist and generally anti-US-imperialism, it makes no sense. That’s why I want to have this long conversation about it and see if maybe there’s something I’m missing, but nothing I’ve seen so far has made any inroads as far as convincing me that there is. But, that being said, this article is showing me some sides to the whole equation I wasn’t aware of before. So, thank you.

            Also… Mark Ames is still around and still doing journalism in Russia? How is that possible? Is this real life?

              1 year ago

              Glad you read it! I’m sitting at the airport right now, so I’m going to hope someone else talks about it further with you. There’s plenty of reasonable people here. I want to clarify first though that I think most (all?) people here are not big fans of modern Russia or the war. I think the best result for all involved at this point is a swift Russian victory, but the best result would have been NATO minding its own business or working to broker peace instead of instigating.

      • mo_ztt ✅
        1 year ago

        Russia annexed territory from Ukraine, and was amassing troops for a further invasion. US intelligence said as much, Russia denied any such plans, then invaded, and ever since, hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian human beings on Ukrainian soil have been having their flesh shredded by high-powered weapons.

        I’d say the fact that Russia:

        • Annexed quite a bit of Ukrainian territory before the war
        • Lied about its plans to invade, and
        • Has troops on the ground all over Ukraine

        … shouldn’t really be facts in dispute, and to me those that adds up to “Russia is in the wrong” even without adding in any additional facts which might be more disputable. But you don’t see it that way?

        • Black
          1 year ago

          No, I do not in the slightest; considering your analysis rather tellingly leaves out Amerika’s armament of fascists, said armed fascist pogroms against “ethnic Russians” in their territory, the endless violations of the Minsk agreements on the part of the West, and, oh yeah; Amerika literally blew up Nordstream to cut off Germany’s access to Russian gas.

          So forgive me when I see you clutching pearls about “how many people injured in this ethnic violence” and think you’re literally so full of shit that when they give you your pre-burial enema, you’ll lose five and a half feet of height.

          • mo_ztt ✅
            1 year ago

            I’m really not trying to be combative with you brother. I’m not going to be friendly to the viewpoint you’re supporting, but I’m just a person like you – trying to make sense of the world and telling you how I see it. You’ve got no call to be getting insulting or cursing at me just because I’m disagreeing with you.

            I think the fascist pogroms against ethnic Russians in Ukraine didn’t exist. The Russian government’s lies leading up to the invasion are well-documented, so it seems weird to argue that their claims of violence against ethnic Russians in Ukraine is unimpeachable evidence that it was happening. Do you have documentation or support for it happening? Do you have a ballpark for how many people were killed or injured in this violence?

            I don’t know why you’re talking so mockingly about that question. The objective facts of what was happening are important.

            • Black
              1 year ago

              Nah, see, I’m not cordial with sealions at all. And that’s exactly what you’re doing. JAQ’ing off, I think they call it now. So we’re just gonna ignore all the shelling in the leadup to the 2020s? We’re just gonna ignore the GLOBAL HEADLINES that made? We’re just gonna ignore the 14,000 dropped bodies since 2014? We’re just gonna ignore all the Wolfsengels, Totenkopfs, and other assorted nazi paraphernalia while you hoist all those water buckets?

              I can’t wait to see what you’ll ignore when those chickens finally come home to roost. Fuck out my inbox; you’re no longer welcome to a dialogue with me. It was funny, now you’re just sickening me.

              • mo_ztt ✅
                1 year ago

                Nothing says “My viewpoint’s on solid footing” like responding to clear factual questions with vigorous anger, insults, and angry refusal to continue the conversation.

                But sure, it’s 100% up to you who you want to communicate with and how. I’ll not respond to you again if that’s your preference.

                  1 year ago

                  How about response on the wall of info Redtea sent you? You didn’t commented any of that, signifying BCR is absolutely correct.

              • mo_ztt ✅
                1 year ago

                This is accurate, yes; the neo-Nazi organization and their involvement in the 2014 revolution are real.

                How does that justify Russia’s invasion? Are they defending Ukrainians against neo-Nazis, by bombing Ukrainian cities, and a Jewish leader is leading the Ukrainians in a war of aggression on Ukrainian soil against their well-intentioned de-Nazification effort? I’m not trying to be flip about something so serious, but it sounds like that’s what some other people in this thread are telling me. Would you agree with all of that, or how would you characterize it?

                  1 year ago

                  I think the real reason Russia invaded was because they could not tolerate Ukraine joining NATO. The US wouldn’t do anything different if this had happened in Canada during the cold war. Hell, they invaded Cuba for this. I’m sympathetic to Russia on this one because I do NOT want a unipolar world.

                  A Jewish leader does not mean that Ukraine is not dangerously far right wing. It’s like saying racism is defeated in the US because it had a black president. As for bombing Ukraine? Look up Ukraine’s cluster bomb usage in 2014-2022. When your soldiers are using weapons that are banned in most of the world on your own citizens, and your soldiers are wearing skulls on their uniforms, you surely have to ask if you’re the baddies?

                  Basically, I think NATO didn’t leave Russia much choice. And I don’t support fascist nations anyway. Sorry, no links this time. At the airport.