President Biden said he won’t expand the Supreme Court because doing so would “politicize” the court in an unhealthy way. But it’s a political institution by its nature — and a disturbingly undemocratic one.

    1 year ago

    This is classic Biden. It’s classic center-right Democrat speak. The Republicans predictably do something bad decades after they started trying to accomplish it, and centrist Washington Democrats sit around doing nothing. I can’t say they betrayed my expectations because this is exactly what they have been doing for the last 20 years.

    1 year ago

    All these “vote blue no matter who” boat shoe lickers should make sure to put this on top of the stack of reasons they trot out at every opportunity. Roasting on all of us to fall in line all the time is bullshit when any rational person can look at this and legitimately say “why should I care?” Are they as bad as the christian nationalist fascists that are getting frothed up to start killing? Probably not but kinda. This is the shit that MLK was talking about when he was locked in the Birmingham jail. These god damn white moderates don’t wanna ruffle any feathers or bring about actual change so they’re going to sit on their hands. This is akin to locking the doors on a movie theater with an arsonist in it so that the police can come and bring the criminal to justice. You don’t want to come off as some sort of vigilante so best to have the proper authorities come sort it out. At the same time, what kind of person would you be to let the arsonist get away?

    If anyone tells you that someone always deserves your vote, then they better damn well preface it with a huge piece on why and how we need to be on these politicians cases from the jump to hold them accountable. How we need to show up and protest in front of their houses and at every event until they keep their promises. We need a PSA every time that while there might not be a viable alternative in voting, we need to band together and make these fuckers lives uncomfortable to the point that they give a shit now. No more pleas for votes unless they come with that message. These fuckers are just trying to kick the can down the road far enough so that they’re dead by the time we have to fight these cross burners in the streets.

      1 year ago

      Biden was the better choice between two garbage candidates because no one voted in the primaries. This was literally his platform, and most who did vote wanted that.

        1 year ago

        So, the only reason you vote for this liar over the other liar is because you have no other options? So you vote for a liar? What kinda system is this?

          1 year ago

          total shit system; we all know that

          what’s your solution?

          i’ll wait, and in the meantime i’ll make political decisions based on the people who don’t want to kill me

      1 year ago

      Sorry but we have to fall in line because that’s exactly what the Republicans do every election. Part of the reason they were able to shift things so dramatically is because they fell in line and voted for Republicans they weren’t in love with. Each one wasn’t perfect, but normalized their shitty behavior and expectations grew and grew.

      You can stand on principal if you want. There have been principals that I have stood on to my own detriment. But it will be to our detriment.

        1 year ago

        So according to you, things are bad in this country because republicans vote thoughtlessly and stand behind poor candidates. We need to emulate that so that we can also vote in poor candidates to counteract that. We should do this, like they do, without real discussion or demands for accountability.

        It is already to our detriment. That’s what the article is about.
        My comment said that people who regurgitate the blue no matter who line are the problem unless they demand accountability or action as a preface. so you.

        Stop pushing the narrative of voter accountability and shift that on to candidates. Nobody has to fall in love but also if you keep asking people to vote with a gun to their head without offering a path away from that, eventually they will just accept the gun. To all of our detriment.

          1 year ago

          Its clear you are being an idealist. It just seems rather unrealistic. You may not like the idea of “voter accountability” narrative but it is the bloody answer. Nearly 30% of eligible voters didn’t even bloody vote and I’m talking about the 2020 election. Which is the election with one of the highest turnouts in recent memory. Also we as voters should be participating in the primaries/caucuses, it is a part of our civic duty. We can desire accountability from our candidates but we voters also need to be accountable for our (as a whole) inaction, primaries have an attendance of around 30-20% for both parties combined. This calculation is also only based on votes during primary divided by eligible voters in that state. None of the values I have found divide the number of votes by the amount of registered party members and I feel that number will be a bit more enlightening even though it will be flawed unless it was a closed primary because Democrats are thought to have the higher population appeal but my own assumptions would tell me they are also the ones who are the least likely to attend these events even though these events are the ones who decide who will be the running on the ballot in the general election.

          Sure you may want to be this idealist but face the fact that authorities aren’t the only ones who need to be held accountable.