Worth noting the phrasing in Nicolas’ comment - he doesn’t want the Chinese to be dominant. He could have said China, or the PRC, but it’s almost like he’s classifying them less as a state and more as this amorphous mass.
The reason was always racism. Talks about human rights or authoritarianism or whatever were just for local consumption.
all this stuff makes me so depressed. I wish the yakubian empire could just leave things alone and let other nations succeed.
why is it the US always feels entitled to this “number 1” position? like, who made that decision?!? the US just accepts as a forgone conclusion that the order of the world is American led and it’s chauvinistic and disgusting
the American zero-sum view of geopolitics is going to get the entire world killed someday I fear
Using “insane” and “psychopath” in this context is ableist.
I know people with ASPD. They’re nothing like Nicholas Burns.