Hmm, I find some of the questions and assumptions a bit odd. Like are there really a significant number of transhumanist anarchists? At most I have seen some “anarcho-capitalist” leaning transhumanists that like the former have very little in common with actual anarchists.
Edit: ah, I remember reading some anarcho-transhumanist zine a while ago, which was not so bad (mostly about space exploration), but it seemed like total fringe and not in any way popular amongst anarchists at all.
Back when the Anarchist subreddit had account flairs, anarcho-transhumanism didn’t have a plurality, but did have significant representation. William Gillis was the most visible anarcho-transhumanist in the forum, I’m glad to see he’s still kicking around on Mastodon.
My hunch is that transhumanist anarchists are over-represented in the field of sci-fi compared to most other tendencies of anarchism.