Just in case you had any doubt about whether he intends to stage another coup attempt if he loses.

  • grue@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I was pretty sure that the biggest wave of German immigration to the United States was before WWI (including some of my ancestors, BTW), but I decided to double check and yep, Wikipedia agrees with me:

    The largest flow of German immigration to America occurred between 1820 and World War I, during which time nearly six million Germans immigrated to the United States. From 1840 to 1880, they were the largest group of immigrants. Following the Revolutions of 1848 in the German states, a wave of political refugees fled to America, who became known as Forty-Eighters. They included professionals, journalists, and politicians. Prominent Forty-Eighters included Carl Schurz and Henry Villard.

    The Wikipedia article seems to have a gap where it doesn’t say how many Germans immigrated in the 1920s, so I looked further and found this:

    As for the 1930s, Wikipedia says that “many [German immigrants] were Jewish Germans or anti-Nazis fleeing government oppression,” but also that “about 25,000 people became paying members of the pro-Nazi German American Bund during the years before the war.” Looking at the chart, 25,000 would be only a small fraction of the total number of Germans who immigrated between 1918 and 1939. (However, according to that group’s article, only American citizens of German descent were allowed to be members, so that figure isn’t relevant to the number of recent German immigrants who were Nazis, despite the first article’s implication.)

    TL;DR: I think the notion that those 20,000 Nazis filling Madison Square Garden were mostly post-1918 German immigrants is… unlikely, to say the least!

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      TL;DR: I think the notion that those 20,000 Nazis filling Madison Square Garden were mostly post-1918 German immigrants is… unlikely, to say the least!

      about 25,000 people became paying members of the pro-Nazi German American Bund during the years before the war.

      I mean, those numbers seem to tie out pretty neatly.

      Looking at the chart, 25,000 would be only a small fraction of the total number of Germans who immigrated between 1918 and 1939.

      Sure. But I’m not in any way suggesting all German migrants were Nazis. I’m saying that the American Nazi Party was primarily composed of first and second generation German migrants, heavily influenced by the media originating from their nation of origin.

      In the same way, not everyone who moves from New York to Texas stays a Yankees fan. But most fans of the Yankees down in Texas have some familial relationship to New York.