• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Ja, sicherlich, weil die eben in den letzen paar Jahren eben überall rausgeschmissen wurden. Aber mein Punkt war, dass es so aussieht, als würde sich die Linke im zunehmenden Maße freiwillig selbst zersplittern, obwohl dort keinerlei (oder zumindest weniger) Druck von Seiten der politischen Machthabern besteht.

    Aber versuch mal, subtile Diskussionen mit Menschen zu haben, die einem aufgrund des Benutzernamens vorwerfen, Völkermord als Hobbysport zu betreiben.

  • Leider scheint es meiner Beobachtungen zufolge in zunehmendem Maße einfach nur darum zu gehen, seine eigene kleine Echokammer zu pflegen, in der einem keinerlei unangenehme Fakten den Tag verderben.

    Nun, ich kann’s den Leuten nicht verübeln, man muss jedem die Freiheit lassen, auf seinem eigenen Tempo die Realität zu konfrontieren, aber dass dieses Phänomen ausgerechnet hauptsächlich auf Seiten der Linken aufzutreten scheint (Lemmy, Mastodon, und das gesamte Fediverse sind überwiegend links), während diese überwiegend die derzeit vorwiegende politische Macht vertritt, sollte einen zumindest stutzig machen.

  • Alright, while your crude behavior doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence about your receptivity for reason and evidence, let’s take a look how Biden actually defines “price gouging”:

    “Any corporation that has not brought their prices back down, even as inflation has come down, even as the supply chains have been rebuilt, it’s time to stop the price gouging”

    This is either another one of his classic faux pas, or it’s used as a propaganda term here, because on closer examination, this sentence reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the relationship between prices and inflation. Stay with me here, and I’ll explain why, but I’m afraid it’s going to require just a little of high school math.

    Inflation is defined as the rate that prices rise, i.e. higher inflation = prices rise faster, lower inflation = prices rise slower. Read that last part again, because that means specifically that lower inflation does not mean prices go down. It means they go up more slowly. In order for prices to actually go down, inflation would have to be negative, which it currently isn’t. Hence, Biden is either making a mathematical error here, or he is deliberately misleading people about the nature of the relationship between prices and inflation.

    There you go, I hope that was clear enough. Now feel free to continue your verbal abuse, but I think it’s amply clear who’s the buffoon here.

  • You know what’s actually funny is that one side has spent the past several years posting cute, adorable frogs while getting arrested and prosecuted for trespassing at the Capitol in a mostly peaceful demonstration, while the other has caused billions in property damage with violent riots across the country that claimed far more human lives before trying to lock everyone in their homes and threatening them with losing their livelihoods unless they agree to an experimental medical treatment, and is now involved in funding not one, but two new wars overseas to the tune of a hundred billion dollars while explaining that cute, adorable frogs are inherently racist, and somehow people still have trouble figuring out who the good guys are.

    Warmongerers or cute frogs? Cute frogs or warmongerers? IDK, why is this so hard?

  • I honestly don’t know, since I’m neither a politician nor a foreign policy expert, but it certainly seems to me that the critics were right on this one, and it was mostly a useless proxy war designed to fill the coffers of the morally ambiguous and well-connected elite at the cost of thousands of innocent human lives, so it seems that either preventing it from the getgo or not funding it all would have been the better choice. But hindsight is always 20/20.

    Yes, if Putin had invaded and we had done nothing at all, some lives would have still been lost, but most likely the Ukrainian army would have folded much quicker and the death toll would have been much lower than it stands now. And let’s not forget, the whole thing only started because Biden greenlit that Nordstream Two pipeline that Trump had spent his entire four years blocking for fear of precisely this incident. Literally within a week of the pipeline’s approval, the first Russian boots were on Ukrainian soil, so whatever you think of the orange cheeto, it seems he was 100% on the money on this one.