If I knew there was nothing after next week, I’d keep doing what I do, but harder.
If I knew there was nothing after next week, I’d keep doing what I do, but harder.
Can’t argue with that.
I guess I stand corrected.
You must be new around here.
Can someone help me understand what I’m looking at here?
I’ve been staring at this green shape for a while, and I cannot make out what it is at all.
I’d totally be in then. I’m a try anything once kind of guy.
The success of a TV show can be gathered in real time. A movie needs to be complete before anyone knows about it.
So, they are going to make sure that movie is as sellable as it possibly can, because they only have one chance. The TV show can get tweaked as it goes, and sometimes milking a cash cow doesn’t result in quality. I think of Family Matters back in the 90s. It was a decent family sitcom, but EVERYBODY loved Urkel. So much so, that the last few seasons were essentially the Steve Urkel show. That’s who everybody wanted to see, but the show was complete trash. None of the storylines made sense anymore, and they had Urkel playing Urkel clones because MORE URKEL, MORE MONEY!
Or, of course, it loses popularity and then it gets canned.
This question is hard to answer because aside from some horrific things, I’ve always had unrestricted access, and without knowing what I’d be losing, it’s hard to say one way or the other.
There’s no changing their minds anyway, they’ll just be less angry, so overall, it’s progress.
Maybe if you’re in Britain.
In the US, skinhead always means Nazi.
You’ll have the power of God and Anime on your side!
Stream a Nintendo game.
Nah, I’m with that guy. Fuck skinheads.
Roll a Save vs Pants shitting.
With disadvantage. 😱
I call bullshit.
If someone hung some out of focus water lilies and labeled it a newly discovered Monet, most people would believe it. The biggest of experts may find details that don’t quite match other Monets, but if those experts were involved in the forgery, they could easily make sure to check those boxes.
Saying they can’t be reproduced is just arrogance, or gatekeeping.
No disrespect to the artists. They deserve the respect for what they do, and creating their own style is half the challenge, but saying it’s impossible for anyone else to do the same after that, is a stretch.
No wait! I read something about this! Those were totally different brussel sprouts! I guess they came up with a new species that didn’t such so bad and that’s why brussel sprouts suddenly got tolerable.
Now I have to go see how much of this is true.
Edit: What do you know? All of it! https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/10/30/773457637/from-culinary-dud-to-stud-how-dutch-plant-breeders-built-our-brussels-sprouts-bo
It’s better to have it renewed than risk it turning expired. That will definitely mess up your driving report.
Right? He could just be making shit up and we just believe it because he’s Superman!
I’m too ashamed to disagree with you.