• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • And yet millions who should know better won’t care.

    They are motivated to know better by the belief that governmental failure will hurt others more than them, giving them an elevated sense of social status when compared against a vast misery that will befall the Other:

    If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you. — Lyndon Johnson

    Human society fails because enough people will swap treating others with decency for being told they’re ‘special’ because they’re not (currently) going to be rounded up and sent to a re-education camp.

  • Willy Wonka smiled as Harold Hezbollah came from behind the curtain.

    “You! You started all this!” shouted Charlie.

    “Calm down, Charlie,” said Wonka. “He’s working for me.”

    “Yes,” said Hezbollah. “If we kill a few innocent people, the war goes on forever, and we get more and more money.”

    Wonka held Charlie by the shoulders. “Young man,” he said, “this fantastical arms factory will be yours as long as you promise to blame everyone else but yourself, and you keep trying to invent more ways to kill innocent people.”

    Charlie thought about it for a moment. He did love killing innocent people. Frankly, when he blew up that hospital in Gaza it made him happy for as much as a whole minute, a whole minute of pleasure lighting up the dark cavern of his hateful heart.

    [text omitted]

    “Yes!” Wonka screamed, as Charlie plunged the dagger into the defenceless Oompa Loompah’s chest [text omitted]


  • Between Trump and Harris who do you think will result in the most harm?

    If humanity keeps having the choice of big harm or small harm, and tends towards the small harm, living beings will keep being harmed, on purpose and by conscious choice.

    This is why I don’t feel emotionally connected to being human. Humans are machines for making their human world worse, and sadly they bring along the other living beings they share the planet with as they do it.

  • Samvega@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneAnarchist rule
    19 hours ago

    For someone who grouses about humanity, you’re scorning a ton of them.

    Why would I not scorn humanity when I don’t endorse it?

    May you be forever misunderstood.

    I live in a world where people don’t fix the issue of hungry children. There’s nothing to ‘understand’, other than that humans are not sufficiently moral.

  • Samvega@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 day ago

    Yes humans have way more complex social structures but almost always there is a hierarchy of men at the top usually with a single man at the apex, call them alphas, the patriarchy, the oppressors, the greats or whatever you want, they exist.

    They do in your head, probably because you want to be dominated by a man you unquestioningly accept as your ‘superior’. I won’t kink shame, but this is not for me.

    Looking at your post history, you seem to be a Bad Take Machine. Bye!