That’s kind of dumb, no? Because what if we need weather control to reduce the fucking temperature?!
Just write in the nearest Subway/McDonald’s address.
Beat me to it. I scrolled back just to post this and… Here you are.
Wtf? 27 per hour? Sign me up!
Thanks, i was about to go digging.
Anything from newgrounds or ebaumsworld? What about
But what if it’s a clean butt
Now that is a dank meme/comic.
Humans being human. Higher expectation group doing things they write tickets for. Teehee
That’s my gripe, too. I was looking forward to the PodRide but they haven’t really done much.
Just don’t be stupid.
See? We really are just insignificant. We are a living neuron, and not even the whole neuron. We’re a tiny spec of a nueron.
It doesn’t exist anymore but this is from the reddit post from 6 years ago:
I give you… GOP Jesus!
Sometimes I read the article, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I help others by providing an answer, sometimes I just keep scrolling. A comment starts an interaction at a minimum.
Wtf where do you get Dino pattern?!