Walk_On [he/him]

  • 17 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2022


  • Wait so you’re criticizing a podcast you don’t even listen to lol

    Why? Optimism when everything is shit and has 0 signs of getting better is just religion.

    You really showed your hand here. It just screams cynical atheist shit. Without revolutionary optimism, you just fall down into a nihilistic reactionary hole. Things ARE happening even if you want to deny material reality.

    The fact that you defend small business tyrants further down the thread just adds onto it.

  • I agree. I like the boys, but even their podcasts can be tiresome to listen to because they usually only have on American guests or other westerners and talk about American topics despite it being an international podcast.

    lol They actually have nonwesterners on their show and go to great lengths to talk about nonwestern issues, but go off.

    I actually agree with this guy for the most part. Hakim and Parenti are definitely not liberals lol, but there is some wishful thinking when it comes to the lead up and outcome of communism.

    I don’t. Also, revolutionary optimism is a good thing.

  • This thread is so disingenous, it’s unbelievable. It’s entire orgin is based on the fact that the OP came to the defense of someone who misgendered TC69 and this thread is just some weird backdoor to bash her. It’s really petty.

    Attacking people for innocuous(at worst) terms is a great way for us to not be taken seriously.

    They’ve been writing things similar to this sentence over the course of 2 threads and it’s such nonsense. It paints a completely inaccurate picture of the site and the situation.

    ill certainly try to remember to check pronouns of inactive accounts before i talk about them

    Sarcastic responses like this just prove what I’m saying is true.

    It’s not like they’re going to respond to it either, they blocked me lol

  • He made a video called “The First World ‘Left’ Will Never Matter Again - The Hard Truth You Need to Hear”, which is NOT a very good video. He told people in first world countries to move abroad instead of staying and trying to change material conditions.

    Also in the comments of the video, he downplayed what is happening with Cop City as “sitting in a forest in Atlanta” and said “No one outside the us should waste any energy on thinking about them. They sure don’t think about us.” when someone asked for international solidarity regarding it.

    Dude won’t even join an org.

  • 650,000 people die of the flu every year. Do you support governments forcing everyone to take a flu vaccine, and if not why are you an evil anti-vaxxer who wants to murder 650,000 people a year?

    My point of course is not that Covid is the flu, it’s that everyone who supports vaccine mandates has a line at which they believe they not be justified. It just happens that I and many others do not believe Covid is the line where such measures are just.

    It’s not that vaccine mandates are never justifiable under any circumstances; a sufficiently deadly virus with a sufficiently excellent vaccine could make a solid case that such intrusive measures are necessary. It’s that this particular virus and vaccines don’t make such a case.

    Three statements about mandates from her. As far I as I could tell, she hasn’t said anything about lockdowns being bad, so I misremembered.