DM me? I’d love to meet a fellow lemming!
I’ve met a few from the tri cities area on here
Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!
Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
DM me? I’d love to meet a fellow lemming!
I’ve met a few from the tri cities area on here
Work: monday, Wednesday, Friday
Off: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, sunday
Three day work week, with no two work days touching. I had that working 12s for a couple years. It was amazing. If I ever needed a Monday or something off I could trade with someone, and could take a 3 day weekend. It was fucking lovely.
It’s not good food… :(
Same thing I thought lol
Show off. Lol. But thank you for blurring it out. How’d you get it? What, what narrowed the search?
Only the machine knows
I mean, it would explain a lot if I were to find out the machines built this town for the express purpose of being just shitty enough to keep you down without making it so shitty you kill yourself trying to leave…
That’s why I said block out, not black out lol
Genuinely real. Had to block out a sign above that said the town name. Lol.
As a Christian, I do not comprehend how anyone who actually reads that book and actually believes it can be anything other than a radical. Sell your possessions and live in common, whip the money changers. Christ wasn’t just a socialist, He was a badass revolutionary, and there’s a pretty solid argument to be made that He was an anarchist communist
What’s the original?
At a nearby grocery store the bathrooms are marked as handicapped accessible. The door is in a narrow hallway, it swings outward, you must immediately make two turns once your through the door, the sink juts out into the room making a narrow passageway between the wall and one stall door before you get to the handicapped stall, which also opens outward, and is longer than a normal stall, but no wider. My mom literally got stuck in that bathroom trying to get back out because she couldn’t turn her wheelchair around, and maintainance had to come remove the stall door off both stalls to give her exactly enough room to finally get free.
Basically, yeah. If you’re around it long enough then natural curiosity is gonna get the better of you eventually, and then you find out it ain’t half bad and get a liking for it.
We’ve gone the opposite direction in the last few years, though. We don’t buy dog food anymore, and just make our own because it’s cheaper (and can be purchased using EBT/food stamps) and better for them .
One would assume with nerves and muscles, I guess? Like, it’s not just attached to its tail, it’s fully a part of its tail, and made it fleshy bits and sharpened exposed bone?
My mom used to own a grooming shop, and everyone there liked eating the beef jerky made for dogs better then the stuff for humans. Buncha white ladies, pepper is spicy. Lol.
Is there video? Can we set it to the Benny hill music?
I could see this being the future of tattoos in general. Most tattoos are designed digitally, or at least go through a digital phase. Load the image and hit print. No more shitty “my artist was drunk that day” posts, which I’m sure are actually rare as hell, but scare so many people off of getting a tattoo.
Basically, it’d take out the human element and make the experience a little shittier, but with a more polished (again, less human) final project… So it fits 100% perfectly in line with everything we do as a society.
What was it? The dual pronoun?