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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • I don’t know. Some online forums are kind of sus, if you know what I mean. ;-) Usually, the ONT and the OLT are made by the same manufacturer ie: Alcatel Lucent. That means they are a matched pair because they speak their own digital dialect. Therefore, if you change the ONT then you are not guaranteed that they will understand each other.

    In other words, I don’t recommend it.

  • That ONT is going to be a managed network endpoint. Their head-end system talks to it and sets up the configuration for the optical pathway. It is essential that it is not removed. If you replace it with something else then you will not get service.

    I believe that you should be able to replace anything else downstream from the ONT. So that router can be replaced with whatever can handle the traffic flow. If it were my setup then I would replace it with my pfsense firewall box.

    By the way, is this the kind of fiber cable you were thinking of? https://a.co/d/iJ0guG1

  • How good are your sleeps? Are you drinking enough water?

    I know that I get brain fog if I sleep poorly or forget to drink enough water.

    For coding, I try to explain to myself exactly what I am trying to solve using the most simple explanation possible.

    Usually, the program will perform a series of steps. I work on each step, in code, until I solve that step. Then I move on to the next step. Divide and conquer.

    Like the other person asked, have you sought out professional help for any possible medical issues? If you have ADHD then a professional can give reliable guidance on how to compensate for the main ADHD symptoms.

    Good luck! You CAN do it!!!