Stuffing people or large animals into a small space is a great way to generate and conserve heat. The people or the animals or both are the heaters.
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
Stuffing people or large animals into a small space is a great way to generate and conserve heat. The people or the animals or both are the heaters.
Gets caught in the cross fire of a driveby shooting … gets their body used as a shield in the fire fight … you are an NPC
That’s great to know … I have no clue but I do like having a good steak once in a while. I would trust someone like you to find me a good steak but I’m always not sure when I just buy whatever at a commercial grocery store. And I trusted my friend to deliver a really good AAA steak because I know he only ever buys the best meats for the best price.
I cut down on my meat consumption because I know how terrible it is for the animals on a commercial industrial farm. The only meat I ever want to buy is one from an actual farmer that raised the cattle himself.
I have a few French Canadian friends from Quebec. One of them is a great cook from Montreal and he came to visit and said he was bringing his own steak. I said great and looked forward to his cooking. He insisted on barbecuing everything himself.
He took out the steak, slapped it on the grill … 30 seconds on one side … 30 seconds on the other … and served it dripping with blood like your image.
I like steak and I usually cook mine medium rare but most of the time medium well because I don’t want to get sick.
My friend had brought AAA steaks and even though they were literally raw … they were absolutely delicious. Never felt more like a caveman when I had blood dripping out of my mouth while eating meat.
oooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr …
We could just sit around wait until a Jesus like holy saviour appears out of nowhere and does all the heavy lifting to miraculously save all of us.
I call it baby bumpers … Google maps has placed baby bumpers on its service for Americans so that they don’t hurt themselves with anger.
When you leave for two centuries and leave the keys to the car and all the money to one bratty teenaged son and give nothing else to the eight other younger children in the house and wonder why there’s a huge party with strangers, the house is trashed and on fire, the car’s gone and the eight younger siblings are on the lawn eating from the trashcan.
Or even better … the US is a one party state with two different divisions.
And the problem is not Turnip, and it’s not Muskrat, and its not Vance … it’s the flying circus of a government that is just standing around with their thumb up their ass doing absolutely nothing or very little to try to stop all this.
The house is on fire and very few people are actually trying to put the fire out while everyone else is just standing on the sidewalk pointing at the fire.
*a very warm scrotum
lol … I found a picture of you from 2,000 years ago …
lol … I always love explaining this. I’m Indigenous Canadian, 100% Ojibway from northern Ontario and I fluently speak my Indigenous language, it’s my first language before English.
The Ojibway word for moose is … moose … (it’s an Indigenous word that hasn’t changed)
The Ojibway word for the plural of moose is … moosuk
At this point of evolution for this little guy … why do you need legs?
I’m guessing you’re a guy … or you had a heated accident after that hot sauce
This is the most thrilling dullness I’ve seen in the community … thank you for your service.
Where do you live again? … you know … so we can ‘talk’.
Step 1: … be born white
Step 2: … be born male
I was only able to achieve step 2. Too bad for me I guess.
Write “HI” with sunscreen on your chest and take a pic of your shirtless self with the heat camera
Was that your bed after lying on it … or do you just have a misshapen butt?
Fourth Reich motors … aka Tesla