Imagine dual booting Windows lol
I use Debian btw
Imagine dual booting Windows lol
I, for one, am ready for the sun to consume us all.
I think what’s meant by “a clear history” is “an obvious history,” and not “a flawless history;” ergo, the harsher penalty.
Undertale made me ugly cry, thanks Toby.
Hell yeah animation is ok, and Gavity Falls is a solid 10/10 choice.
Between my brother, a mutual friend, and myself, we have over 1,800 collective hours in Borderlands 2. That was probably my favorite game for about 5 years. It’s fun enough on your own, but the game gets a million times between with co-op.
I thought the Pre-Sequel was pretty good. The low grav mechanic was a fun addition, and the moon being populated by Aussies was a nice touch. Borderlands 3 was kinda meh. We all had high hopes for it. It’s a pretty good game, but its greatest weakness is that Borderlands 2 exists.
Have to respectfully disagree, but I’ll give that FC5 was consistently pretty good throughout. FC3 started off the first half on the highest of notes and finished somewhere in the middle before sending you to horny jail for being bad boy. FC5 was a solid B+ game. Not one for the ages, but definitely a fun way to kill a few hours. FC5 does have really good co-op. My wife and I each have 100+ hours in FC5 specifically because we played through it together several times.
I thought Faith was a pretty good character. Especially as you dive a little more into her lore. Her dudes that pop out of nowhere can be annoying though lol
We also did the easter egg ending.
Maybe the real Hidden Valley was the subdermal implants we made along the way.
I haven’t played AC. My experience lies mostly in Far Cry. I got a free copy of Far Cry 3 with my Radeon HD 7770. Little did I know that’s where the series would peak. It’s one of the games I wish I could play for the first time again. Vaas is easily one of the best written and (and especially) acted bosses in a game ever. He’s such a pain in your ass until you kill him, then the final boss sucks so much, you miss him.
This is called an eggcorn.
Help! My flesh has fallen off, and I can’t pick it up!
Not how my experience went. You read the books, you got the points, and (assuming you were doing well in every other aspect of the class), you got an A. But if you struggled with reading (as I did in school), you got poor grades despite the fact that your grammar, writing, and spelling were otherwise excellent. Very rarely did I get a teacher who rewarded reading; most of them punished my failure to read.
The day my parents signed up for Facebook was the day my account died. I’m sure many other millennials have similar experiences lol
Quit squaking, flesh wad. Nobody’s forcing you to buy anything.
My first job out of college was in a hospital. When you see doctors outside of their own setting, you quickly realize that >90% of them are pretty stupid at literally everything else. I was an accountant processing travel reimbursements for business-related professional expenses (mostly vacations disguised as conferences and workshops for CMEs) and many of them just could NOT understand why they weren’t allowed to claim alcohol on their travel reimbursements. Literally, the IRS will not allow it. And even if it did, state law forbids it, too. Sometimes, I got angry emails because they couldn’t claim miles for taking a detour to visit a relative before going to their destination after I adjusted it as if they drove directly from work to the airport. Shit like that. I was good friends with the IT guy there and he had many similar gripes. Most of his job was arriving on-site to plug machines in because they swore up and down on the phone that the machine was plugged in.
I’m convinced the majority of doctors are just average intelligence people who spent a decade practicing and mastering a skill. That’s it. Anyone can be a doctor if they can be allowed into med school and sink the time and effort into becoming one.
Amongst my siblings, none of us is shorter than 5’10. My sister is dating a man who is 5’6. They’re so cute together, but I felt so bad when I first met the guy because I wasn’t expecting him to be that short. So I opened the door and looked right over the poor fella.
Hahaha I wish I had friends who loved me this much.
I use Flat Circle. It’s not free, though.
My wife really really really wanted a MacBook in 2020 and the major plus of having it is that I got to steal all the fonts. Mostly, I just wanted Helvetica lol
iirc, PlayStations in Japan flip the functions of X and Circle around. Circle is generally an “accept” button while X is generally a “back/cancel” button. Now I heard this many years ago so it may not be true anymore.
I think it makes sense when you consider where A and B are on the SNES controller. And it also makes sense for them to have moved back to the right face button (in the US) when you consider the Xbox 360 released a year prior to the PS3 and was kind of a runaway success.