• Wandering_Uncertainty@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    It’s annoying when monogamous people act like we’re all lying about experiencing compersion.

    Man, do I feel this. Why is it so hard to believe that people can feel differently about things?

    No, I’m not jealous and afraid my wife is going to leave me if she has sex with someone else. She isn’t when I do that, either.

    We’ll eagerly discuss all the juicy details. She loves hearing about my adventures. She’s more shy, so I hear more about who she’d like to be with rather than actual adventures. We both giggle and discuss people we’d totally bang and there really actually isn’t an undercurrent of anxiety about it.

    If I found someone that I started to fall in love with, isn’t that an awesome thing? Love is wonderful! And the sort of person that I could love would be someone that my wife would, at the very least, like. How does this not sound like a wonderful situation to people?

    Monogamy doesn’t make sense to me, though I respect people’s right to feel the way they do. If they feel jealousy, that’s allowed. If they think it’s better to have jealousy, then I’m confused, but whatever.

    It’s just weird that feeling differently gets such negative reactions and accusations of lying.

    • Maven (famous)@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Everything you said here was so good honestly.

      I am extremely happy whenever my partners find someone who can help make them as happy as I try to. I want my partners to have the happiest possible life ever and it’s unfair to everyone involved to stop them from being able to get that happiness.

      I think something a lot of monogamous people forget when talking about poly is that jealousy is a pretty natural thing to happen… Even in polyamorous relationships.

      I’ve felt jealous before in my situation, the difference is that I talked with my partners and found a good solution and set of boundaries that made everyone happy vs trying to control their time and life.

      I said this in another comment but the most loved I’ve ever felt was when my fiancé helped me pick out my outfit for my first date with my bf (who I’m also to a year with!!). I also love helping them both with their relationship struggles and life issues and so on. I love them both tremendously.

    • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Exactly! Like, I get that some people are very bad at polyamory and are total wrecks about it. Those people weren’t good at monogamy either. It’s easy for casual acquaintances to miss that I’m poly because it’s not causing problems in my life. I have far more romantic problems from my wife’s clinical depression (that she’s had her whole life) and my girlfriend’s abundance of children (also not related to her polyamory) than I do from jealousy or anything like that.

      Fuck I’m the boring old married lady even next to some monogamous friends of mine. We don’t do the whole juicy talk thing, but we do get happy at the other’s happiness.

    • Kaity
      6 months ago

      Growing up in the shroud of monogamy, there is something very freeing and beautiful when I talked to my gf about talking to someone seriously and saying I liked them and wanted to date them. Her encouraging me and celebrating and smiling with me when we both finally had the courage to tell each other our feelings. Helpfully nudged by my boyfriend who clearly noticed we were falling for each other.

      I have a lot of love to give, I cherish all of my partners. They are my closest friends and supporters and I welcome the diversity of my desires and needs.

      It can be really hard to deal with too, having multiple relationships is something you really really need to work with and takes a lot of attention and care to do it right.