StartOS facilitates the entire process of discovering, installing, configuring, and using any variety of open-source software from anywhere in the world without trusting anyone.

  • Handles
    115 days ago

    The title literally says “Sovereign computing”. Are you okay? I do recommend reading from the top down, for more information please re-read.

    • @[email protected]
      615 days ago

      Oh wow, thx. No. I’m just clueless. And there is a cultural difference, so souvereign citizens aren’t the first thing that comes to my mind when reading that word… But thanks for explaining the joke to me, anyways 😅

      • Handles
        115 days ago

        Okay, sorry for the sarcasm. I think there is a certain overlap in the language used around general privacy principles and the more… out there, political anti-society movements.

        Sometimes it’s innocent and random but when I see somebody putting cryptocurrency up front in their project and using “sovereign computing” as a tagline, my internal crackpot detector goes nuts. I’m fairly sure that deep down these people would want to see the world burn to stay warm toward the end.

        • @[email protected]
          15 days ago

          Hehehe. Yeah they put everything in on their site. From a canary to their company ethics, to an origin story, all necessary buzzwords, job offers (which they have none), a marketplace … Lot’s of flowery words. And honestly, it doesn’t even smell like AI generated text. They’ve probably mastered the bullshit bingo and decided to go all in. I kinda like it (in a twisted way.)