We’re baaaaaack! After a hiatus due to vacation, we’re resuming our regular #NewstodonFriday thread. In case you’ve forgotten, its purpose is to highlight the work of newsrooms that are active in the fediverse. Please boost the posts you like, follow the profiles you discover, donate money, comment, and let us know about other newsrooms and journos that we should feature.
#Media #Journalism #News #MastodonMigration #FollowFriday
For @[email protected], Ellie Rose Mattoon writes about Anatomical Venuses — wax models that were once used to teach female anatomy, and the ongoing issue with gendered images in medicine. “As late as 1986, an analysis of anatomical textbooks showed that 11% of gendered images outside of the chapter detailing the reproductive system were of women. Never mind that women have different skeletons, different manifestations of cardiac disease, and different rates of drug metabolism. The percentage of female images among images that are gendered in anatomy textbooks rose to an average of 32% in a 1994 analysis, then crept to 36% in a 2017 one.”
#Science #Medicine #Healthcare #Feminism #Sexism #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday
And finally, our @[email protected] shared this Flipboard Storyboard on how to manage all those thousands of photos you take, from using AI for organization to the joy of making an annual photo book of your kids — plus, digitally decluttering without guilt.
#Photography #Photos #LIfestyle #Organizing #Declutter #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday