We’re baaaaaack! After a hiatus due to vacation, we’re resuming our regular #NewstodonFriday thread. In case you’ve forgotten, its purpose is to highlight the work of newsrooms that are active in the fediverse. Please boost the posts you like, follow the profiles you discover, donate money, comment, and let us know about other newsrooms and journos that we should feature.


#Media #Journalism #News #MastodonMigration #FollowFriday


  • RiaResists@mastodon.social
    29 days ago

    @Flipboard @gbhnews @histodons my husband (white) had to bus to the black school in Jr High. He was a geek back then. Gurl crazy, of course. He’s very cool.
    He was bullied pretty severely.
    The whole “integration” should’ve been planned better. The kids should’ve had a heads up about what to expect.
    Could’ve reduced some racism if the students had been humanized beforehand. Not saying it would’ve ended all racism!! Just saying…. Could’ve had an impact