I’ve never done body pillows or merch before because I’m worried I’m just not a good enough artist. But seeing shit like this that looks like deviantart circa 2008 or so makes me think I’m doing alright.
Is that supposed to be a microphone or a gun or?
Also they don’t know their audience otherwise it’d be an anime femboyThe Collapsed of the Polish People’s Republic in 1989 was a Disaster
I feel it everyday.
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] Kurwa chodźcie tu musicie to obczaić ja pierdole XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Hahahahah ło kurła smutne bolki oenerowskie spod kościoła ich za to zuntermenshują bo degeneracja. I jeszcze ta nazwa i godło skisłem.
Głowa mnie dzisiaj boli a tu jeszcze takie coś…
Sory :^)
ŻE KURWA CO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I expect that type of shit to be a glowie psyop
I think it’s like 50/50, I’m fully sure they have losers who are into this shit.
This is fully within the tradition of polish anticommunists, i remember real and true “cursed soldiers” wannabee group from something like 1946 which had 4 members and called themselves “Legion Walki z Bolszewizmem” (Legion of Fight against Bolshevism) XD
Even UB reacted to them like XD they got lecture at police station and were free to go.
Dwieście kurwa pięćdziesiąt złotych.
“Ta chłopaki, najpierw na strzelnice a potem grupowe ruchanko poduszki”
Ja pierdole 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Nie no to nie może być prawda xD
To na pewno jakiś honeypot czy coś
so this is the people who’ll save the white ppl and the western civilization…
being called a degenerate cultural marxist
by a nazi polish using oriental art of a creature of mixed blood (cat and human)
These fascists are smart. They know that the best way to appeal to young, disillusioned men is to use cute anime girls as mascots.
Dunno how “smart” they’d have to be, when they themselves are almost certainly made up of the same target demographic.
These fascists are smart
lol, they’re using a mixed breed creature to make nazi apologism, and using a cute woman to attract mysoginists