Happy #NewstodonFriday! Here’s our weekly selection of stories from newsrooms that are active in the fediverse. The goal is to amplify their work and help them raise funds, so please follow them, boost posts, subscribe to their sites, donate money, and join in the conversation in the comments.
#Media #Journalism #News #MastodonMigration #FollowFriday
San Francisco’s Chinatown is packed with art, but most of it is not made by AAPI artists because the commissioning process involved little or no outreach to them, and qualifying processes were complex and intimidating. “We were never part of that,” says Abby Chen, a curator at the Asian Art Museum. “We were never invited to begin with.” After decades of advocacy, the Arts Commission and the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco is attempting to rectify that by opening up the applications process, as well as bringing more events and performances to Chinatown. Here’s more from @[email protected].
#Art #PublicArt #AAPIHeritage #SanFrancisco #BayArea #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday
Finally, how much do you know about money? @[email protected] has created a quiz “to test your knowledge of skyrocketing inflation rates, sketchy loan apps, and crypto-funded revolutions.” Give it a try here:
#Money #Economics #Finance #WorldNews #Crypto #Inflation #Quiz #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday