I know this is a relatively small culprit in the grand scheme of things, but I figure there are people out there who would want to know about this (lest the Vegan Police remove your vegan powers).

When wines are freshly fermented, they typically have particles suspended in the liquid, like tannins, yeast, and proteins, giving the wine a cloudy look. Over time, these will settle on their own […], but that can be a slow process. So, winemakers often use the fining process to clarify their wine, making it a nice, clear, non-cloudy color. Certain proteins are added to the wine and effectively latch onto those cloudy particles before dropping to the bottom of a wine barrel, where they can be filtered out. It’s these proteins that are the culprit here: The most commonly used fining agents are milk or animal proteins (specifically casein and gelatin), isinglass (a gelatin derived from fish bladders), and albumin (from egg whites). […]

There are vegan-friendly fining agents, like activated charcoal and bentonite […]. To confirm whether a wine is vegan, you may need to contact the winemaker or company directly. You can also consult a certification organization called BevVeg, which lists legitimate vegan wines. Alternatively, if wines are labeled as “unfined” or “unfiltered,” this means that no fining agent has been used, so it should be a safe bet.

  • Thrillhouse@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    My husband is extremely allergic to eggs. We’re not vegan but we often eat vegan and buy vegan products to make our lives easier. He doesn’t drink red wine because of this. I’m kind of shocked that they don’t need to divulge this on their labels. Sulphites are labelled, but for an allergen that can actually make people very ill it’s so weird that it’s not a requirement like with food products.

    He notices this with craft beer as well, though not to the same extent as red wine. We used to go to craft beer fests all the time and sometimes he would get a terrible stomach ache and heartburn out of nowhere. We looked it up and egg white albumen can be used to increase the foaminess of craft beer.

    I really wish we could improve the labelling requirements in North America. We often see food that is labelled vegan but “may contain” egg or other very non vegan products. I don’t think that’s good enough for vegan people and it’s certainly not good enough for my husband as cross-contamination is a very real concern. Just Egg has this issue - it shares equipment with things that contain egg.

    Vegans 💪 egg allergic people

    • pugsnroses77@sh.itjust.works
      2 days ago

      the just egg cross contamination is totally ridiculous as its the only egg alternative found in most stores. hope they soon realize that people with allergies need their products too!! im lucky my egg allergy isnt bad enough that the cross contamination bothers me, but im grateful for the vegan movement. ive been vegan only 6 years but havent eaten eggs since i was younger.

    • TheTechnician27@lemmy.worldOPM
      2 days ago

      Oh my gosh, I didn’t even think of it, but I’m guessing this is because in the US, the ATF rather than the FDA seems to regulate wine labeling. That seems genuinely awful to have to account for. I guess at least “may contain” seems pretty robust for the FDA-regulated stuff. My understanding has been that it’s vegan if it’s just in “may contain” since that’s more related to cross-contamination, whereas that sort of trace contamination can be life-threatening to those with severe allergies.