1@jesse_saenz Jesse Saenz
Thanks #duolingo I’m sure this phrase will naturally come up in all types of daily interactions. #german #deutschlernen
(A screenshot of Duo lingo) Liebst du Mayo oder liebst du mich?
Do you love mayonnaise or do you love me?
I’m german and this phrase is utterly bs. Tbh, every German You will tell this will treat You like you’re a retard.
fr… I am german, of course I love mayonnaise
What would be the proper phrasing for this question?
It’s grammatically correct but every sane German will obviously pick mayo.
that’s sort of the point, you aren’t learning phrases to spit out like a “Chinese room”, but instead vocabulary and grammar
E.g.: Was liebst du mehr, Mayonnaise oder mich?
What do You like better, Mayonnaise or me?
The point is, it’s highly improper to not love a person in favor of a thing. Instead You can lighten it up a bit by just asking for what they like better.
The initial question is only askable among very close friends (Irony/Saracasm), usually not even for couples and definitely not for love interests or lose contacts.