Hey! Redditor and moderator there for years, have a couple of communities there as well that i’d love to gradually move here, I really like the vibe here and seems well organized with good rules in place as well as timely server upgrades thanks to seemingly active admins here.

I also noticed that you folks were quick to address the meta threads issue to defederate and overall this server really seems to be the place for me.

I am wondering though, what is the future of this server possibly looking like? If it grows, would you guys be open to expanding it, or is this a hobby-run server?

If this isn’t just a side hobby server, I would also love to discuss and explore possible options like community-run server funded and run by the community with a more democratic vote process for future changes and what not.

So what’s the vision for this server from the admins long-term if it were to take off?

  • chrisbitMA
    1 day ago

    First of all, welcome! Happy to have you onboard.

    With regards to the long-term future of Leminal Space, we certainly have no intentions of going anywhere. While the instance should be considered ‘hobby-run’ in the sense that it is funded personally by the admins and maintained in our free time, I can see this changing in the future if we expand to a point where the server requires more upgrades to stay performant and the ongoing costs consequently increase – at that point we would consider allowing user donations towards the server costs.

    If it plays out that way and we became community-funded, that may be the right time to also reevaluate how the server is administered and maybe even consider user voting on significant decisions. However, at the time of writing, our MAU count has been fairly steady for several months at around 60. So, at this stage, at our current size and rate of growth, moving towards a community-run model isn’t on the cards in the immediate future.

    As ever, always happy to keep the discussion open going forward.

    • TheArstaInventorOP
      19 hours ago

      Thank you so much for the swift reply!

      That sounds great, I have started to actively participate and use the server, I’ll be creating a few communities and if/as they grow I might also migrate my reddit communities here, I think this server has a great potential to be a general purpose server with wide range of topics.

      I am also glad you are open to community-run initatives long-term if growth continues, as it was one of the crucial things that concerned me when I was looking to move to a lemmy server from reddit, as it is the fundemntal issue of reddit that has lead us to alternatives like lemmy today while the eshittification of reddit continues.

      It’s great to see admins here that are active and open to communication with the community, as it’s not something you see on Reddit - It especially means a lot to me as not just a user but a community moderator.

      Super excited to be here and what the future holds, I’ve decided to invest my time in here moving forward to not only hopefully help your server grow but also the fediverse and continue the migration from corporate, closed, censorship-prone hellhole that is reddit.