It’s bizarre and appalling that out of 75 DAB radio stations and 25 FM stations in Brussels, not a single one is dedicated to jazz. Or even primarily jazz....
It’s hard to say. I’ve been in several different cities. Radio stations often somewhat match the demographic. E.g. in the midwest and south US there are a lot of rock and country music stations for the redneck rural listeners and likely no jazz. But I would expect cities in more sophisticated regions to have jazz. This list might give a good idea:
Are Jazz stations common where you come from? I don’t think there’s any in France or Netherlands
It’s hard to say. I’ve been in several different cities. Radio stations often somewhat match the demographic. E.g. in the midwest and south US there are a lot of rock and country music stations for the redneck rural listeners and likely no jazz. But I would expect cities in more sophisticated regions to have jazz. This list might give a good idea:
There are some in France but perhaps only in the cloud. ATM I’m not seeing how to separate cloud-only stations from those that are also over the air.
I had a look at the first three radios, from California and NY, the most populated areas of the USA. Brussels has only a population of 1.3 million.
Also note that jazz is less of a culture in Belgium than in the USA.