Hi everyone.

I’m on my work computer on the perennially terrible Lebanese internet, in a relatively safe town. I’m talking about some stupid client KPIs in a meeting with a bunch of people around the world. An “important” meeting. The clients assume I’m in Dubai or somewhere like that, and I don’t correct them.

I’ll get asked “How are things in Lebanon?” by some coworker in Dubai or Europe after the call and I’ll say the classic “Alhamdulillah, my family and I are okay.” And we’re safe, we haven’t been bombed, not personally. I am lucky to work with decent people, but how could they understand. Will HR give me shit if they learn how much time I’ve spent out and about helping move essentials to shelters in the “dangerous outside world” instead of just burying myself at home “until it’s over”? Maybe I can get fired for putting myself in danger. Or maybe they give me leeway as a relatively senior person with the best English in my team who they get to pay less than everyone else because I don’t have a French passport - what a steal! (They pay me okay, and quite well compared to others around me, but we all know what this arrangement really is)

But corporate work, in normal times, rots the soul from the inside out. This is worse. I have to stare at the bad screen for hours while the EMTs dig people from under their homes. I have a duty to at least try to help my people, but I can’t. If I quit my job, my family loses this home and this security, and we have no place to go now that our original town is being bombed. I don’t come from money. I can’t just move or buy a house abroad or even a plane ticket (Lebanese people with no other nationality can’t go many places without a long visa process). I can’t “just move to Europe bro”, I can’t “just move to Dubai bro”. I have responsibilities. I’d love to move, but I can’t. Maybe I should.

Naturally, even nice coworkers cannot comprehend this. Besides, they need my input on the KPIs. This client is very important and number must go up after all. I hear another thud in the distance, through the crickets, I feel it in the pit of my stomach. Not close enough to threaten my life, but close enough to understand I might be next and that no area is truly safe.

This isn’t a woe is me post and I don’t want people in the comments feeling too sorry for my situation yeah. I still have my family, four limbs and two eyes, my home, a source of income in actual usable currency. Save your real sorrow for the people who have lost more both here and in the occupied territories. It could have been me in Gaza, it could have been you.

Please donate to the Lebanese Red Cross if you have the ability. Our people in the orange jumpsuits are our pride and they need everything they can get, especially now that they’re being hit as well. Relatively transparent and reputable org with boots on the ground and a functional donation platform, please consider helping.

  • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    Art. 42. Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation applies only to the territory where such authority is established, and in a position to assert itself.

    No wonder you didn’t quote it.

    You just can’t stop lying can you? Well, i hope its that you’re lying and you parents didn’t spend money on getting you “some education on (sic) international law at an accredited^^^^tm law school” only to get it so spectacularly wrong, while being so far up you’re own ass about it too.

    I hope it wasn’t the latter because that would be really embarrassing for you.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
      2 hours ago

      Dude are you literally stupid? Hostile to what?

      Are you seriously here arguing that the concept of occupation doesn’t involve displacement of some original power structure? Read the rest of the articles on it.

      • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
        2 hours ago

        Child, you made up that a a hostile army had to be displaced when you said:

        Dumbo, the definition of occupation from the Hague Regulations of 1907, Title 42, makes specific reference to a “hostile army,” which would be displaced in the case of occupation.

        I then quoted the exact part of that regulation you lied about

        Art. 42. Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation applies only to the territory where such authority is established, and in a position to assert itself.

        As can be seen, there is no reference at all to a hostile army having to be displaced for it to be an occupation. So you lied.

        You’re talking shit and you have been the whole time. Its hilarious that you think being utterly proven wrong can be dismissed by claiming the person who’s outsmarted you at every step and proven you wrong is the stupid one here.

        If I’m stupid, I dread to think what that makes you.