I hate living in this time that makes satire obsolete.
Can anyone please think of the makers of south park and how they are supposed to make fun of self owning clowns like this?
No worries, they’ll find a way to both sides this
Satire is dead so they had to get into the restaurant business
“Thoughts and prayers.”
It’s time to deploy the-glass-is-necessary-because-its-really-a-hologram conspiracy.
I read that JD Vance is an AI holopresence
Maybe just"A".
Or a “hole”
JD Vance is just ChatGPT in a robot in a skin suit
Nah, some weirdos like AI. No one likes Vance, not even Vance.
3 assassination attempts. In what 3 months? And they’re all from Republicans.
The most recent “assassination attempt” was just drummed up by the media. I haven’t seen any evidence it was anything other than a man with some guns in his car who happened to be near the rally.
A couple of media places did release a very short blurb in small print that the “suspect” had no plans to assassinate anyone according to law enforcement after a short investigation.
Honestly, I’d be surprised if the venn diagram of “people who would keep guns in their car” and “trump’s base” wasn’t a circle.
There’s going to be a lot of false positives in an environment like that
Why can’t leftists have some guns?
They do, I have a few myself. I just don’t feel the need to constantly have one on me.
We don’t keep them in our cars, nor on our e-bikes.
A long rifle strapped to an e-bike is the kind of mental picture I needed in my day, thanks.
The Riverside county sheriff is the one who first used the term assassination attempt. Media uncritically repeated what the sheriff said.
That’s their job. You might think their job is to investigate, but that is not what they’re paid to do.
And when it comes to America, a man with guns in his car is a normal situation.
God I hate this place.
I was sitting there reading the articles thinking, “if a loaded weapon amongst Trump supporters is an assassination attempt we’re going to need a spreadsheet here …”
It’s a culture of violence
3? What others than the one in Butler?
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Okay, true. That’s two.
The other 2 were prevented
Only one was prevented. The 3rd one, the person had no plans or interest in an assassination attempt. He was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Edited for missing critical word. Thanks to Warl0k3@lemmy for the proof read!
(I think you dropped a critical word there)
Thank you! Not enough tea yet I guess.
The 3rd one, the person had no plans or interest in an assassination attempt. He was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Didn’t know that, thanks for the info. I suppose not all news makes it across the pond
It was only reported as an after thought here too.
Well yeah, duh, that’s why he has the glass. /S
This, but without the /s. Completely non-sarcastic.
yeah it is crazy fact of life that schools get shot up so much more frequently than police stations and federal buildings.
almost like politicians and police are safer than school children in the system run by police and politicians.
Also that this “fact of life” almost entirely applies only to schools in the US. The world works in mysterious ways indeed. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
It blows my mind as a non-Amerian that their politicians are saying that the right to own a gun and carry it around is more important than children being able to go-to school without the fear of being killed. That’s just the cost of ‘freedum’.
Their freedom to make the rest of society pay for their hobby.
Here’s an article about a massacre of children that happened in Myanmar in 2022.
For those who are unaware, the government of Myanmar has been killing the unarmed civilians, largely because they face very little retaliation, because guns are illegal to possess without a license there. The licenses are never given out.
Fortunately for the would-be victims, there is a growing trade in black market, homemade guns there.
do you seriously think the safety of the few outweighs the rights of the many? (we need more people with good aim to practice on political figureheads)
Politicians and cops have guns, or other people with guns, to shoot back. Schools do not.
It’s a class thing.
Therefore the average NRA opinion: If everybody has a gun…
Edit: I’m from Europe and a supporter of strict gun laws. I just saw an analogy in NRA and the Syndrom quote.
That is the case. But it does not make it any less true. Those with weapons are harder to assassinate than those of us without weapons. Again, it’s a class thing and you and I are not a part of that class.
That’s such a weird “sinister” line
Super-ness and gun ownership aren’t the same thing, and don’t work the same way.
When everyone is armed, everyone can kill.
When nobody is armed, a subset of people can kill.
The former state of affairs is more fair, and hence less likely to lead to violence.
When everyone is armed, everyone can kill.
Like if all would be Supes. Therefore equality.
When nobody is armed, a subset of people can kill.
A subset like Mr. Incredible against the masses of normal people. Total inequality.
Regardless my stance on that topic (please see my edit on my first comment for that) I see an analogy between NRA blabla and the Syndrom quote.
Almost like one of those places is not like the others in terms of having armed guards.
A fact of life… when living in America. Third world country that doesn’t tell its inhabitants.
Remember: If your country doesn’t average at least one school shooting a week, you live in a shithole.
what’s so frustrating is that this “they’re a fact of life” mentality is a self-fulfilling prophecy. and the longer it continues to used as a justification for inaction, the harder it becomes to convince people that gun violence is a solvable problem.
yeah, but the solution is taking peoples guns away and many people (as do I) belive that the right to bear arms is an important human right
Only important in the US, though.
Gun rights are very important in Myanmar, where the army has been massacring unarmed civilians.
no, there are many countries with some gun rights actually (though they don’t really have school shootings), like austria for example (you don’t need a license for a lot of guns here and those you need the license for it’s easy to get)
I’m usually pro gun-rights, though with reasonable restrictions. I have two issues with your comment though.
First, not human right, American right. It’d be such a weird thing to say it’s a human right to own firearms when they’re a pretty modern thing, meanwhile shelter, food, and water are not.
Second, the second amendment is invalid. It’s based on an assumption that isn’t true anymore “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” A standing professional army was not the norm of the time and it wasn’t expected that the newly form small US would have one. It was expected we would have to rely on a citizen militia for defence. I know what the courts have ruled, but they ignore this first section. Since the first assumption isn’t true, the following assertion must be invalid. IANAL but I have no idea how it’s made it through the courts so long without this being shown.
> First, not human right, American right.
it’s one in my belive system (I didn’t really mean it as in the by the un defined human rights, just as some people belive abortion is a human right) and I don’t necesarily mean guns, I mean any weapon, so in ancient rome I’d be pro swoard rights for example
> Second, the second amendment is invalid.
have to agree with you there, however, I belive it to be a good thing
…I don’t necesarily mean guns, I mean any weapon, so in ancient rome I’d be pro swoard rights for example
I understand your intent, and I also understand the feeling, and I largely agree with it. However, there must be limits. Should people be allowed RPGs, fighter jets, bombers, tanks, nukes, etc.? If not, where are we drawing the line, and for what reasons? Can those reasons apply further to other weapons? There are reasonable restrictions we must have. The issue is that every person is going to have a different idea of where the lines should be drawn. Some will draw it at a sword, some a handgun, some a machine gun, some a nuke.
I don’t know what the answer is, but it obviously isn’t “all weapons” and probably shouldn’t be “no weapons.”
i mean this as a genuine question: why do you think it’s important that people have access to guns? i never really got the appeal, but also haven’t talked to many people who do think guns are important, so it would be nice to hear a different perspective on this
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for one I just belive that every human should be able to defend themselfs with weapons, if we didn’t have guns I’d belive in the right to bear swoards or a bow
but now to why I belive this:
so you should know I’m an anarchist, so I reject every authority, that’s why I think we should have guns, so we can stand up against authority if we need to or even if we lived in an anarchist utopia, we should have them in case a forgein nation would attack
then you also have to realize, that you can kill someone without a gun, but only if you’re the stronger one. now who is stronger than the avarege woman? the avarege man! so the avarege man could rape and traumatize the avarege woman with no instant consequences so how can the avarege woman defend themself? with a gun
now I am a transgender individual in a country growing more fascist by the day, should I have to fear assault, rape and murder only because I’m different? no, I should have to be able to defend myself
I accept that your opinion may be different, and that’s ok, there are good reasons to ban guns, this is just my stance on it
also, it basically boiles down to one thing: do you preffer freedom or safety? because freedom isn’t safe and safety isn’t free, I personally like freedom more, that’s why I like my guns (and the fact, that gunsmithing is my favourite hobby)
Here in Australia people defend themselves fine without guns
Guns are better at killing lots of innocent people than defence.
Great for suicide too , and angry people who have a bad day and are unstable
You’re better off with pepper spray and a rape whistle
In shootings, trained people don’t stand there shooting back, they run. That should tell you more about the effectiveness of guns as an offensive weapon instead of defensive.
Lots of people with guns out there who think they’re the good guys
what if your guy wears glasses and no help comes tho?
don’t get me wrong, ik that guns can do lots of evil, but the thing is: people who want to break the law won’t care if it’s illegal to own a gun
Don’t allow criminals to own guns, and they increasingly drop out of circulation. Don’t issue them unless there is good reason for them to have it and they have a clean record
Self defence here in Australia isn’t a valid reason to own a gun
This also allows the people who sold the guns to be arrested too.
The fact is, if a criminal has a gun, you’re not using a gun to defend yourself. They have more experience and are more prepared.
Here in Australia, I was actually in a near school shooting which was stopped because it was only a hand gun and because someone with martial arts experience took him down
Your other problem is that you guys let kids use guns, so that turn it into paet of their identity
You know, if nobody had weapons then you wouldn’t need a weapon to defend yourself with
yes, I would, as I statet, physically stronger people could easily beat or strangle me to death
Just like someone with a bigger/better gun could.
It’s a slippery slope.
For real. Any gun I could obtain as a private citizen is not going to stand up to the weight of the police, let alone the US military if a true authoritarian regime took over. My right to a hunting rifle doesn’t matter when they have tanks and drones.
“Why do all the people who know anything at all about guns not care what I think about guns?”
that’s not rly how guns work, if I was rly good with guns I could kill someone with a .22lr if they had a 9mm and were bad with guns, the thing is different guns are good for different things, you won’t be able to use a shotgun effectively at 50m++ for example or a sniper rifle at 7m–
also how good you are with guns isn’t a genetics thing like physical strength
of course I’d rather live in a world without guns, but the moment one person has a gun everyone should have one
“so you should know I’m an anarchist”
I stopped reading there
Just so you’re aware, the anti-government Anarchist trope isn’t real. Anarchists generally see the government as useful. It’s also not about the government. It’s about power structures in general which restrict people’s freedoms. It’s a very good philosophy, but the name has been ruined (probably purposefully) by the media portrying them as edgy total anti-government idiots.
If you’ve ever in your life thought Libertarians had decent ideas, Anarchism is the actual good version of that that isn’t just created to allow people to have sex with children. Anarchism wants government to protect people and wants to remove restrictive and coercive power structures.
there are definitely anarchists that are anti government, just not as extreme as most people portrait us
ok, and you won’t have to read it
No, force him, with the power of the state!
nah, we don’t do that here
“That’s why your parents’ tax dollars should be paying for nice, safe, private religious schools!” /s
This actually makes all the sense. If he truly believes it then he’s rightly afraid. If he doesn’t believe then this sends the message to his supporters that they are right to be afraid. Either way it also tries to give him a “martyr in life” kinda vibe by trying to paint him as someone so dangerous to their little deep-state(that totally isn’t 100% conservatives if it’s anything at all) would want to get rid of.
He also has a very shootable personality and platform, and Trumping have been shot at definitely gives some reason why he’d be behind glass himself.
Benefit of the doubt interpretation though is a guy who can afford to have security and bullet-proof glass telling little children to “deal with it” is a fucking scumbag-extraordinaire.
And that some can afford protection and made it impossible for others is also a fact of life
Wasn’t the guy who shot at trump staged behind him?
All that glass is doing is paying the audio engineers for extra work to get the front rows speakered too.
One who hit him was to the front right of him.
But was thinking why you don’t just pick a spot behind him.
Honestly, they should just put a box or dome over him as it would just need someone crazy enough but smart enough to calculate an arc.
Better yet, just hold the rallies in a properly inspected building. (Not sure if any property owners will let them rent anymore though.)
Airtight and soundtight would be funny
He was on a roof kinda to the side, the people he injured (+ killed) were behind trump
I wonder how they deal with drones.
There’s only one way to find out!
Can’t wait until we use a predator drone to dome a predator.
I think it would have been funny in an ironic way if he was shot from behind the barrier. Just something to really prove his point.
Apparently they are gaining ground in the polls.
Fake polls paid by GOP would explain that if I read correctly that big post with lots of comments here (on lemmy) 1 or 2 days ago.
This is an opinion only. I wanted to preface it that way because I realized how much it sounded like I had inside knowledge. I do not. I’m a drunk, ignorant redneck.
I wouldn’t put it past them, but those polls shouldn’t move the needle very far at places like the silver bulletin or 538 because they weigh based on how trustworthy the polls are. Reputable polls aren’t getting bought and fake polls may hit news articles but don’t really hit forecasts very hard.
I’ve watched 538 since they came back online. There was a point where Kamala had greater than a 60 in 100 chance to win. Right now it’s about as low as it has been with her up 53 to 46.
We’re halfway through October so I have no idea if we’re getting a surprise. I’d like to see something that tilts things blue.
Who are? The Kids Getting Shot Party?
You may reliably expect it to be reported as such, whatever the facts.
I fucking hate this. Are people really that oblivious regarding who these people have shown themselves to be?
On one side, the top of the ticket is somebody who has lied and cheated their whole life, even to a criminal extent, and has never shown any capacity to learn or grow in any meaningful way. They have shown nothing but contempt for anything related to justice or democracy or social progress. The VP pick for this candidate is funded by tech bro billionaires whose entire philosophy is predicated on the notion that a few wealthy and powerful oligarchs should dominate a rule over their lesser peasant-like laborers.
On the other side, the top of the ticket is a career civil servant who has been elected to all three branches of government and holds a juris doctore that proves their competency in law and the processes therein. They have flaws, but appear to be open to learning and growing, changing stances on policies as the times change and more information comes out. The VP pick for this candidate is perhaps best known for expanding liberties and ensuring that all schoolchildren were properly fed in the state that they were elected Governor of.
This election should be a fucking blowout victory for the latter candidate. It’s absolutely absurd that it could be even remotely close. There is, and I’m not exaggerating when I say this, nothing redeeming about the other ticket. Nothing. They will not help you in any way. They will consolidate wealth and power for themselves and their inner circle, and you ain’t in it. They are not only unwilling, but unable to show any sincere compassion for you. The best they can offer is sociopathic performance of compassion to manipulate you into giving them your vote. Do not fall for these proven charlatans.
As George Carlin once said, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
You’re watching it real time.
This is what it feels like when dealing with banks and utilities of a loved one when they pass away.