Well now this is trashy. I got permabanned from r/interstingasfuck for posting a comment in r/MensRights that was an attempt to correct some misinformation. I’ve never made a post in either subreddit and that was the only comment I’ve ever made in the MensRights subreddit. But r/interstingasfuck’s bot decided to permaban me even though I’ve not broken any rules.

The ban

The single comment I’ve ever made on r/MensRights

Also I tried to make a post on r/MensRights (would have been my first post there) on me getting banned for making a comment and the mods there blocked it. You would think they’d love the chance to show they are victims of discrimination and censorship.

Man Reddit is trash.

  • Nima
    4 months ago

    oh I wholeheartedly agree that these are valid topics, it’s just that mensrights doesn’t do that.

    they are just openly misogynistic. and extremely toxic and shitty towards women. i tried to join a while ago in support of men’s rights. i was endlessly sexualized, mocked, and insulted. extremely scary kind of things. threats of rape, the whole nine yards.

    yes those issues are extremely important, but the subreddit devolved into an incel misogynist hellhole. it’s toxicity is pretty well known.