• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I think you’re confused…

      “It’s astonishing [to] me that someone was able to get it on the deer without serious injury to either party,” said Arnold. “I hope the jacket comes off either on its own or with help from conservation officers before it becomes a problem for the deer.

      The answer is:

      but I thought everyone knew what an animal does when a bright ass light suddenly shines in its face. It stands completely still. Focuses only on the light, and won’t even respond to a car at 60mph, much less someone else approaching with a safety vest.

      I don’t understand why youre telling me to read the article for answering the question it asks…

      Did you think I was encouraging this because I explained how it was almost certainly done?

        • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Do people just legitimately not know about spotlighting anymore?

          I identify the practice my name, “spotlighting”.

          Like, they think “deer in the headlights”

          I reference the widely known phrase in case someone isn’t familiar with spotlighting.

          means the deer is suicidal and wants to die?

          I mention sarcastically that there must be another reason they freeze when they see a car at night besides suicidal ideations.

          Granted I grew up significantly more hillbilly than most

          I pre-emptively explain that my rural upbringing isn’t common.

          but I thought everyone knew what an animal does when a bright ass light suddenly shines in its face. It stands completely still. Focuses only on the light, and won’t even respond to a car at 60mph, much less someone else approaching with a safety vest.

          Then I broke it down, which magically worked the second time…

          So I know this is probably going to come off as me being a dick, but that’s not what I’m trying to do. This is a very very important point that needs to be made:

          That logical leap wasn’t explicit in your original comment at all

          If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification first before assuming someone didn’t read an article and throwing shade.

          You personally didn’t understand the connection and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, ever. But the next step is just asking so you can understand.

          Granted this isn’t incredibly useful information, but because I took the time to ask what you were talking about and took a guess with what you had difficulty with and explained that, you wound up learning something.

          If I had just responded in kind, we’d have just pissed each other off on Thanksgiving and learned nothing.

          So next time if you read something and it doesn’t click, just ask for clarification.