• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It will take a lot of work, but I think the younger generations are ripe for becoming comfortable with socialism. A big part of that work will be providing essential services that the government does not.

    We could probably build a network of doctors that provide effective medical care outside of the corporate healthcare system. Basically an NGO model that operates without state licenses. It would be an independent verification system that takes the role of the state in establishing trust. The biggest opportunities lie in mental health, and healthcare that’s banned for political reasons.

    One of the biggest problems that will only get worse in the future is addiction. As unhappiness increases, so does substance use, so helping people with those issues will be essential. It’s one of the things that hurt the Black Panthers the most. This is a dire need that must be considered a top priority.

    We can have an AA model of accountability and support, but another important part of addiction is finding reasons to live. We need to help people become comfortable with themselves, and motivated to brave our terrible world. Socialism can offer answers and a cause, something that’s a major part of where people go after recovery.

    We need to work in conjunction with religion, not against it. There really is so much demand for mental support that we won’t even really be competing. In fact, liberation theology works well with socialism, so having religious allies is essential.

    We could also do basic checkups and help people navigate the healthcare system for issues that require a specialist. Simply having an advocate can save a person’s life.

    This endeavor will cost a lot, so we’ll need to have some people who work for wages to support the work of the healthcare providers. We can facilitate sharing of housing and other necessities amongst each other. Society is crumbling, and while terrorizing the wealthy can be helpful, this sort of work will be the true backbone of the movement.