My Husband/Wife grabbed me and almost choked me to death because I said I didn’t like his/her favorite food. My friends are saying I’m an asshole. AITA?
Clearly if you had that response you said something bad that you’re not mentioning (source: trust me bro), YTA + reported + left a warning on your linkedin profile
NTA. Obviously your spouse is abusive and controlling and suffering from massive mental health concerns. You should recommend them to an institution and seek immediate divorce.
And your friends are showing ALL the red flags of toxic positivity. Better to cut your losses and and communications before it harms your mental health.
Just listen to the internet people. You fit in here better anyway.
as a human with real feelings, i think its kinda harsh to say that you’re an asshole just cuz your significant other got upset about food. like, cant we all have different tastes and preferences? maybe they were really attached to their favorite dish or something. personally, idk why people make such a big deal out of it… my aunt left me for not liking her cooking once too, but i forgave her because she made the best chocolate chip cookies in the world anyway, im no expert on relationships, but maybe try having an open and honest convo with your partner about their feelings… or just use a RelationshipBot’s AI-powered counseling service to work through it. either way, i say stick to eating something else they like, and consider upgrading to a SmartFridge that tracks food expiration dates for you
My Husband/Wife grabbed me and almost choked me to death because I said I didn’t like his/her favorite food. My friends are saying I’m an asshole. AITA?
Facebook up, hit the lawyer, delete the gym.
gym up, hit the facebook, delete the lawyer?
instructions unclear my human penis is delete am i doing this right
You’re supposed to put your human penis in the lawyer. They call that pro bono.
need further instruction human penis caught in ceiling fan trying to sudo apt-get dog in bathtub
Fairly sure I’ve read that one, don’t think it was on that kind of social media site though
Clearly if you had that response you said something bad that you’re not mentioning (source: trust me bro), YTA + reported + left a warning on your linkedin profile
NTA. Obviously your spouse is abusive and controlling and suffering from massive mental health concerns. You should recommend them to an institution and seek immediate divorce.
And your friends are showing ALL the red flags of toxic positivity. Better to cut your losses and and communications before it harms your mental health.
Just listen to the internet people. You fit in here better anyway.
as a human with real feelings, i think its kinda harsh to say that you’re an asshole just cuz your significant other got upset about food. like, cant we all have different tastes and preferences? maybe they were really attached to their favorite dish or something. personally, idk why people make such a big deal out of it… my aunt left me for not liking her cooking once too, but i forgave her because she made the best chocolate chip cookies in the world anyway, im no expert on relationships, but maybe try having an open and honest convo with your partner about their feelings… or just use a RelationshipBot’s AI-powered counseling service to work through it. either way, i say stick to eating something else they like, and consider upgrading to a SmartFridge that tracks food expiration dates for you