Twelve galaxies down, 244 more to go. I just realized that it would make more sense if I’d not repair everything every single time…

    1 month ago

    Making the same journey! Just about two jumps away from the center of Galaxy 34 (hex 21, thanks to glyphs, I started using hex to label my respective portal bases).

    As others have said, uninstall your tech modules before jumping. I’ve stopped reinstalling when skipping through galaxies, although the absence of shields and environmental modules is noticeable, it’s mitigated by just summoning my freighter and an exocraft as soon as I “initialize” in a new galaxy.

    I’ll then usually use my exocraft radar to find a monolith, use the monolith to find a portal, build a mini-base next to the portal, then teleport to 0000:0000:0000, make a few jumps, switch out my ship and multi tool, then onto the next galaxy.

    Throw in some deviations for exploring and investigation, and I can clear a galaxy in probably ten minutes. Of course it never takes just ten minutes, there’s always distractions. Need to share some glyphs…