Hey. I was kicked out of my parents house. Long story but you can ask me for details in a reply or message me. Anyways I was wondering what strategies I should use in order to survive this saga. My left arm has been amputated and I’ve managed to get a job interview at mcdonalds only for them to come around the issue and ask if I’m still capable of performing the work. Legal or not they didn’t hire me. I’m tempted to beg for money, dumpster dive or enter s3x work at this point. I’m just getting desperate and hungry. All advice appreciated thanks. Located in Canada
Have you tried calling 211? They have resources that can help you get into a shelter in the short-term, and may be able to offer long term solutions. https://211.ca/index.html
No longer have a working phone plan but before they kicked me out I tried calling a few shelters. I guess they’re all full because it’s the winter so everyone wants in.
Looks like the website I linked has resources