• chingadera@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Agreed. That doesn’t mean that it’s not learned though, some people are in hateful social structures their whole lives and can’t see an alternative until they do.

    You and I just learned empathy earlier because our experiences led us down that path, just like this woman, only later on.

    Another thing to point out, although it didn’t take this exact extreme experience for us to have empathy for women and their choices, it did for her. Now it has changed how she empathizes with everything else in her life. We both had something or multiple somethings in our lives that lead us to the same behavior.

    There are plenty of people that will live under hate their whole lives and never change. If no one is there to celebrate the wins and the work people put in to change when needed, what’s the incentive when they’re still told they’re incorrect because they didn’t do it at the same time we did? Humans are social, and despite everyone saying it, everyone cares what each other thinks. It’s how we operate.

    Agreed again, it’s way too common. I feel like we were on a real good streak for awhile, then with the emergence of social media misinfo campaigns and the rise of the alt right, we just got kneecapped back into the 50s.