On Tuesday, President Nicolas Maduro confirmed that Venezuelan authorities captured two Colombians, two U.S. citizens, and three Ukrainians who were planning to carry out violent acts in his country.
“Today, we captured seven foreign mercenaries… We are more united than ever to protect our homeland’s peace and stability. We must stay vigilant and prepared. That is why the activation and training of the combatant bodies of the working class is something wonderful,” he said.
“While we were celebrating Christmas, Venezuelan military forces, security forces, and the people were activated to guarantee peace,” the Venezuelan president emphasized while swearing in the workers’ combatant groups in front of the Miraflores Palace.
On Tuesday, President Nicolas Maduro confirmed that Venezuelan authorities captured two Colombians, two U.S. citizens, and three Ukrainians who were planning to carry out violent acts in his country.
two Colombians, two U.S. citizens, and three Ukrainians
noooo haha we’re just funding them so they can preserve their freedom and democracy, its for self defense! Ahaha, we’re not going to use them as a colonial army to enforce our rule with incredible violence guys, we pinky promise!
Look, if they can spare some guys to run covert insurrection plots in South America, they clearly don’t need our help with Russia.
We ran out of “Rhodesians” a while ago so Ukrainians are the new K/Ds on the block
Fucking again? Is this like the fifth or sixth one this decade?
the last one was so fucking pathetic it was hard to believe it was even real
Bay of Piglets Part 2
NATO-Ukraine can’t beat Russia, so their strategy seems to be to destabilize/overthrow Russian allies. They already did it in Syria, not surprising that they are trying it in Venezuela.