• freagle@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Rapidity of growth is based on starting conditions, available labor, available natural resources, AND the available technological state.

    When the starting conditions are making maximum use of available technology with the super majority of labor being employed towards the domestic economy, then the limiter to growth is the available technological state. Innovation in this case becomes the driver for growth as the delta between what is currently possible and what innovation makes possible is the domain of growth.

    But then the starting conditions are not making maximum use of available technology, when the majority of labor is employed making an imperialist leech richer, and when natural resources are dominated by imperialists, then the delta between current state and potential state is predominantly in labor, natural resources, and building known technological capabilities. Innovations cannot even be taken advantage of under those starting conditions, let alone developed.

    The idea that a peasant society should either innovate beyond the state of technology of the imperialists or else should be tributary states is really just a position that everyone should be tributaries because innovation under imperialist dominance is not feasible as a means of growing an economy.

    China’s shift to innovation is therefore not a question of strategy but rather if material conditions and the shift to innovation will emerge only in so far as it is made possible and feasible by labor participation in domestic enrichment, natural resource sovereignty, and development of globally-known technologies that lack uncertainties.

    • Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      China’s shift to innovation is therefore not a question of strategy but rather if material conditions and the shift to innovation will emerge only in so far as it is made possible and feasible by labor participation in domestic enrichment, natural resource sovereignty, and development of globally-known technologies that lack uncertainties.

      This is exactly the case. China has developed to the point where it can seriously consider a change in priorities. Of course, the overall course is still to race towards prosperous socialism but with changing material conditions* come changing tactics.

      *the big one being Chinese labor becoming more expensive and Chinese industry becoming highly automated.