I asked Chat-GPT aboout Elon’s salute, just for fun, and it replied it could not analyse pictures and I needed to describe it to him. I had pictures analysed before, even traslating and explaining a cartoon joke. I tought it could be caused by the .webp format. So I retried the joke image and it worked fine. I uploaded a png of Elon and it went wrong. Can others repeat the experience or was it just a fluke? I am not angry just let down a little.
Like my dad
No response after that obviously. It would break his brain to accept this is happening.
Sending soyjacks to your father is a choice.
Not necessarily a bad choice just not one I’d make.
Always interesting to see the American boomer perspective from the front lines.
Meh I get that and it’s not something I make a habit of, but it communicates the point well. A thousand words and all that.
No offense but you’re kind of cringey. Your dad is an idiot but so are you
No offense but your opinion means nothing to me.