Is that the blast that launched him to the planet near the Interstellar black hole?
You can’t just blow a hole into the Surface of Mars!?
“Holy potatoes!” - Samuel Hayden
I love these, I don’t even know who the Martok character was, but they’re so deliciously stupid and I giggle smirk at every last one so thanks for doing them
General Martok is the stagename of a Klingon administrative clerk, who has had a largely successful career through radio/podcasting but lately transitioned to the unorthodox format of meming, which, despite initial concerns from analysts about reach and discovery by the general public, has proven to be a highly successful medium.
If we ever colonize Mars I hope Mark Watney is like their Johnny Appleseed.
And their thanks giving is basically eating stuff with potatoes, and most people do not realize it came from an old movie.
But there’s always one smartass kid who brings it up.
“You know thanks potatoing used to be a pagan holiday right?”
“It’s tradition! Just like how we don’t bathe for 40 days”
“But we have plenty of water now! Mark would think you’re an idiot!”
This one is fantastic. Always enjoy Car Talk with Martok, but blending in my favorite game just plain made me happy lol
I love the BFG reference