Talking about striking workers:
“It is in truth no trifle for a working man, who knows want from experience, to face it with his wife and children, to endure hunger and wretchedness for months together, and to stand firm and unshaken through it all. What is death, what the galleys which await the French revolutionist, in comparison with gradual starvation, with the daily sight of a starving family, with the certainty of future revenge on the part of the bourgeoisie, all of which the English working man chooses in preference to subjection under the yoke of the property-holding class… people who endure so much to bend one single bourgeois will be able to break the power of the whole bourgeoisie.”
Let’s revive the Marxism sub comrades
Unions are quite active in my country, but to a greater or lesser extent they are all incredibly economist and institutionally tied to the bourgeois party system