• BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Unfortunately it is highly unlikely. The EU would not be being punitive in requiring the UK to play by the same rules as everyone else, it would be playing by its own rules and being fair.

    They require countries to join the eurozone when ready and they require signing up to the common agricultural policy etc. Member states that did not get to opt out or rebates would not be willing to allow a new member to have those benefits and any country can veto a country joining. It could only be on the same terms as everyone else.

    I dont see the UK rejoining for a generation. The Euro, the CAP and immigration remain highly toxic topics in the UK and would derail any attempt to rejoin.

    Also leaving the EU has not been as harmful as we thought. Im not saying its been a positive thing but it hasn’t been anywhere as disasterous was being made out on the remain side of the debate. A reduction in growth while the economy is still growing is not being felt by people. Covid also massively muddied the water - some of the side effects of leaving have been attributed in peoples minds to the pandemic instead.

    And the biggest issues in the UK - public services and immigration - have little to nothing to do with the EU. So its just not part of the mainstream political discourse 9 years after the vote.