I get that some people really love beanis, but the volume of beanis posts in badposting is really overwhelming for others who just don’t get it or find it funny.
Since there isn’t (to my knowledge) a word-based post blocking feature for individual users, can beanis posting get its own comm so that people don’t have to completely block badposting to stop seeing 50 posts of beans dildos and beans in cup holders and shit?
look your name is literally beanis, nobody asked for or expects you all to stop beanis posting. the only thing crime or anybody else ever advocated for was “can we take this over there please”
nobody wants you to stop doing what you love. they just don’t want to get so fed up with you that they have to block you or the whole comm over it. i think it’s important this be made clear because too many people are being weird and taking it as something more insidious (an attack on their favorite bit, a struggle session, whatever) and it’s getting kinda goofy