Jesus christ, I read this study when is was being titled “users who lack critical thinking more likely to trust AI”…and it’s morphed into this shit.
Anyone ever play the game of telephone? This is like the 8th person down the line; and not at all what the study found. The wording has been ever so slightly tweaked to mean something entirely different. I highly recommend reading the actual report yourself.
Jesus christ, I read this study when is was being titled “users who lack critical thinking more likely to trust AI”…and it’s morphed into this shit.
Anyone ever play the game of telephone? This is like the 8th person down the line; and not at all what the study found. The wording has been ever so slightly tweaked to mean something entirely different. I highly recommend reading the actual report yourself.
Thank you for the additional context :)
Stupid News Headline Makes Lector Cognition “Atrophied and Unprepared”.