It’s nice that they’re so polite.

    23 days ago

    If it sounds like loud bursts of white noise, then it’s very much intentional.

    The old style beepers were generally perfect waveforms with minimal harmonics, which has the side effect of being hard to identify the direction it’s coming from.

    White noise however is basically all harmonics, and if it’s coming from a point source, it’s very easy for us to identify exactly where it’s coming from. It also has the bonus that it doesn’t travel as far as the beeps too, so it sounds much louder closer and quieter further away, where you’re not likely to need to know about a reversing vehicle.

    The slight downside of the speaking ones is they assume everyone speaks the language, which won’t ever be true 100% of the time. Sure most will figure it out, but every country has their morons.