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I’ve been trying to get in touch with my father. I haven’t seen him since I was very young, about 7 or 8 years old. I think I found an old Facebook account of his. It’s not active, but I’ve been reaching out to some connections. Only a couple have responded and I gave one of them my phone number.
I think he might be trying to call me, but I pretty much never answer my phone. It’s always on vibrate and I usually only receive spam calls anyway. I hesitated the first time. I picked up the second, but no one replied. I probably should have stayed on the line longer, but I panicked a bit. I finally got the courage to call the number back today, but it went directly to voicemail, which isn’t activated.
Maybe it’s spam. It’s a local number, but it could be spoofed. What an archaic and frustrating way to contact people.
lol i find it weirdly romantic, good luck anyways hope you can make amends with him.
I’m not so much against phone calls, although they do make me anxious, but the fact that someone can contact me without providing any form of identification is a bit absurd.
Sounds like a scary situation, can’t even imagine what that’s like. Wishing you strength comrade, you got this🤗🥰
It’s been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride, but it does feel good to be making progress. Thank you for the support comrade 🫡🤗🥰